What is 9to5buzz.com?
9to5buzz.com is a website that offers a wide range of facts about entertainment, science, history, animals, and more.

Where do you get your facts from?
At 9to5buzz.com, we get our facts from anywhere and everywhere. To be more specific though, the main sources we use per article are listed below each article.

Can I use your facts on my site / video / whatever?
Yes, but please make it clear the facts came from 9to5buzz and give a link credit back to the original article or our homepage.

Do you take your own photos for articles?
We use royalty-free images, and images that are avialable in the public domain.
If we've made a mistake and we have used an image that you own, please contact us, and we'll remove it immediately.

Why do website have so many ads?
Online advertising is a common occurrence on the internet, as it's how many businesses generate revenue. So do we.
Certain factors like your activity, searches, demographic data, apps on your device, and location information may be used to select the ads you see.