32 Fun Facts About Summer

Summer, a season synonymous with warmth, vitality, and vibrant colors.

Summer is undeniably a favorite season, often considered the best time.

It's a time when days stretch longer, the sun shines brighter, and life seems to move at a more relaxed pace.

Keep reading to get clued up on everything to do with summertime.


Summer happens at different times around the world.
Summer in the Northern Hemisphere falls between June and September.
As the Southern Hemisphere experiences the opposite seasons to the Northern Hemisphere, the summer there runs from December 22 or 23 to March 20 or 21.

The first day of summer is called the summer solstice.
It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
This astronomical event usually occurs on June 21st or 22nd. It marks the point when the sun is at its highest position in the sky. Many cultures celebrate the summer solstice with festivals and rituals.

The word "summer" has been around for centuries.
Written as sumor in Old English, and sumur in Proto-Germanic, this was probably close to the word for summer used by Proto-Indo-Europeans 4,000+ years ago, as we find cognates in many other Indo-European languages.
It was used as an adjective (a describing word) from around 1300. People began using phrases like "summer camp" and "summer resort" during the 1800s.

The Sun doesn't set for weeks in some Nordic countries.
This amazing natural phenomenon is known as the "midnight sun." It happens because the Earth's rotation tilts, and the North Pole faces the Sun.

The Secret Solstice happens every summer in Iceland.
Iceland experiences the "midnight sun," which happens when the Sun does not set for several weeks during summer. The Secret Solstice festival takes place in June during the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
This unique festival allows people to experience music and culture during a special time of the year.

The hottest days of summer are called the "dog days."
The phrase "dog days of summer" refers to the hottest period of the year when the star Sirius rises with the sun. These dates are between July 3 and August 11.
Since the era of the Roman Empire (27 BC – 476 AD), people have used the phrase "dog days of summer" to describe the hottest days of the year.

Many people suffer from sunburn in summer.
Sunburn is a common issue during summer. It's important to use sunscreen for protection. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to serious skin conditions.

Also read: 25 Surprising Facts About Sunscreen
Also read: How To Treat Sunburn

Hydration is crucial during summer.
Higher temperatures increase the risk of dehydration. It's important to drink plenty of water.
Dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Summer activities should be accompanied by adequate hydration.

Summer brings various insect-related challenges.
Mosquitoes and ticks are more prevalent. These insects can be annoying and sometimes dangerous.
It's important to use insect repellent and take precautions against bites.

Air conditioning usage spikes in summer.
Air conditioning systems are essential in hot climates for comfort and safety. However, they also contribute to higher electricity bills and energy demand.

Summer thunderstorms are common in many areas.
Thunderstorms often occur in the late afternoon or evening. They are caused by the heating of the Earth’s surface. These storms can be both spectacular and intense.

Summer is known for its abundance of fresh produce.
Fruits like berries, peaches, and tomatoes are at their peak. This is the best time for fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables.

Lemonade becomes a popular summer drink.
Lemonade is synonymous with summer refreshments. It's refreshing and easy to make.
Lemonade stands run by children are a common sight. The drink is made from lemon juice, water, and sugar.

Watermelon is one of the most hydrating summer snacks.
Watermelon is 92% water, making it an excellent choice of snack in the summer months.
Watermelons are the favorite melon of people in the United States. Every year, on average, each American eats more than 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms) of watermelon!

Also read: 32 Refreshing Facts About Watermelon

Ice cream is more popular during summer.
July is considered National Ice Cream Month in many countries. It's a favorite dessert for both children and adults during the hot months.

The world's heaviest scoop of ice cream was unveiled during a summer festival.
In June 2014, a scoop of strawberry ice cream that measured 5.5 by 6.2 feet (168 by 188 centimeters) broke the world record for the heaviest scoop of ice cream.
It weighed more than 3,000 pounds (1365 kg) and was sculpted from 733 containers of ice cream.
The record-breaking scoop was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kemps, a dairy company based in Minnesota, USA.

The most popular birthday is in summer.
The summer months of July, August, and September are the most typical birth months in higher latitude nations in the northern hemisphere.
In the United States, September 9 is the most popular birthday. The second most popular birthday is September 19, and September 12 is not far behind.

Summer is a girl's name.
Summer gained popularity as a baby name in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. It reflects the beauty of summertime and the light and warmth that comes with this season.

Millions of children enjoy a long break from school during summer.
In dozens of countries, children take between two weeks and three and half months off school.
One reason for this long break is so students and teachers can rest their brains.
It also helps to prevent heat exhaustion during these warm months in summer. This is especially important for younger children because they are still developing.

Summer vacations are a time for travel.
Many families plan trips during this season. Popular destinations include beaches, amusement parks, and national parks.

Beaches become crowded in summer.
People enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports. Beaches offer a natural way to cool off. They are central to summer culture in many coastal regions.

Swimming has become a popular activity, which is one the fun facts about Summer.
Swimming is both a fun and a healthy exercise. It's a great way to beat the heat. From leisure swimming to competitive sports, water activities are a highlight of summer.

Emergency hospital services are busier.
The summer months, particularly July and August, are associated with an increase in ER visits. This spike can be attributed to several factors, including heat-related illnesses, increased outdoor activities leading to accidents or injuries, and children being out of school.

Summer is a popular time for music festivals.
Festivals like Glastonbury and Coachella attract large crowds.

Many blockbuster movies are released in summer.
Hollywood studios often release their biggest and most anticipated films. These movies are typically action-packed and family-friendly. The trend of summer blockbusters began in the late 20th century.

The Olympic Games happen during summer.
Known as the "Summer Olympic Games" or simply "Summer Olympics," this international event usually happens during July and August.
The world-famous Olympic Games are held every four years. They began in 1896 in Athens, Greece, and have continued ever since.
The Winter Olympic Games are also hosted every four years, normally in February.

People flock to New York's streets to see Manhattanhenge in the summer.
Twice annually—weeks before and after the summer solstice—residents and tourists raise their phones to capture Manhattan’s sun aligning with the city grid, creating a spectacular sunset.
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson coined it Manhattanhenge.

More than half of British people say summer is their favorite season.
Some things they loved about summertime included spending time in their gardens and enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass.

Japan hosts a lantern festival every summer.
Japan is full of lanterns during July and August as people celebrate the Tanabata Festival.
Tanabata is a unique Japanese event that first originated from Chinese folklore and later became an Imperial court ceremony.
It is based on the romantic legend of Hikoboshi and Orihime, star-crossed lovers separated by the Milky Way. The two were allowed to see each other only once a year on July 7, when a bridge forms across the stars.
Orihime and Hikiboshiare are represented by the stars Vega and Altair, which explains why the Tanabata Festival is also known as the "Star Festival."

Shakespeare talks about summer in his 18th sonnet.
Shakespeare compares the young man to a summer's day in Sonnet 18 to highlight his beauty and temperance, which surpass the fleeting qualities of summer. Unlike summer, which can be too hot and inevitably ends, the young man's beauty is eternal and immortalized through the poem.

The Eiffel Tower gets taller in summer.
When the weather is warmer, metal objects get bigger. This is known as thermal expansion, which means that the heat causes materials like metal to expand.
Because of this, the Eiffel Tower in Paris grows during the summer. It can grow up to 15 cm (5.9 inches) taller!
This famous tower also tilts away from the Sun when the weather is warmer. The Sun only shines on one side of the Eiffel Tower, which means it is not balanced on all four sides. As a result, it also leans up to 15 centimeters in one direction!

It snowed in the United Kingdom in the summer of 1975.
It is not common for people in the United Kingdom to experience snow in the summer. However, in June 1975, snowfall hit many parts of the country, including the capital of London.
It was the first time there had been so much snow in the United Kingdom during summer since 1888 – almost one hundred years earlier!

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