For the first time in history, all 50 states of America celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday.
Pope John Paul II established World Youth Day, an event for young Christians around the world.
Pope John Paul II proclaimed the day as the first-ever World Youth Day.
The first International Women's Day was celebrated.
Earth Day is celebrated for the first time.
First Kwanzaa celebrations.
NORAD's Santa tracking service begins.
The first International Women's Day is observed by over 1 million people in several European countries.
Mother's Day was officially celebrated for the first time in Grafton, West Virginia.
Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving Day a national holiday.
American president Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.
Organized by the Columbian Order, the first recorded 'Columbus Day' was celebrated on this day.
Governor William Bradford of Plymouth Colony forbade game playing on Christmas.