Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
King George I established the Greek Presidential Guard as the royal escort.
The first traffic lights were installed in London.
John Willis Menard of Louisiana Became the First African American to Address the U.S. House of Representatives.
The first volume of 'Little Women' by Louisa May Alcott was published in the US.
French astronomer Pierre Janssen first recorded evidence of helium, a then-unknown element.
The Arica earthquake occurred in Peru and Ecuador.
The United States ratified the 14th Amendment to allow former slaves citizenship in the US.
Florida, one of the confederate states, was readmitted to the Union.
The Reno Gang robbed its fourth train.
The US Senate failed to impeach President Andrew Johnson by one vote.
The University of California was founded.
The world's favorite paper joiner, the stapler was patented by C. H. Gould in England.
Andrew Johnson became the first US President to be impeached.