Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D Major premiered in Vienna.
Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph to the editors of 'Scientific American.'
Thomas Edison demonstrated his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time.
Black Beauty is published.
Asaph Hall discovered Mars' second moon, called Phobos.
One of Mars' moons, 'Deimos,' was discovered by an American astronomer, Asaph Hall.
Thomas Edison completed his first model of a phonograph.
The first-ever Wimbledon Championship began.
The first telephone was installed in the telegraph room in the White House, thanks to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
The first Westminster dog show took place.
A 14-year-old girl performed the world's first human cannonball in London, England.
Earmuffs were patented.
Tchaikovsky's ballet 'Swan Lake' is premiered.