Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
Nazis launch Kristallnacht.
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells was broadcasted on the radio, creating mass public hysteria.
Germany expels Polish Jews.
Inventor Chester Carlson created the first Xerox image.
Aviator Howard Hughes started his around-the-world flight.
China launches the 1938 Yellow River flood.
Bradman scored his 1000th cricket run of the English season, becoming the earliest to do so.
The Naval Act of 1938 passed in United States legislation.
The Adventures of Robin Hood, directed by Michael Curtiz, William Keighley, and starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, was released.
Hitler invades Austria.
The world's fastest steam locomotive is built.
The BBC broadcast the world's first science fiction television program, an adaptation of the play R.U.R.
Adolf Hitler appointed himself as the head of the Armed Forces High Command.