Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
The first Boeing 737 takes off on its maiden flight.
US President John F. Kennedy's body was moved to its final resting place in Virginia.
Suharto rises to power in Indonesia.
Pink Floyd's debut album 'Arnold Layne' was released.
Josef Stalin's daughter defects to the West.
Aretha Franklin recorded 'Respect.'
The Mantra-Rock Dance takes place in San Francisco.
The Outer Space Treaty was signed to prevent the use of nuclear weapons being utilized in space.
Apollo 1 test launch failed, and astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee all died.
The first Super Bowl was played in Los Angeles.
The Summer of Love is launched with the Human Be-In.
James Bedford is frozen with intent of future resuscitation.
Ronald Reagan is sworn in as Governor of California.