Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Due to climate change, a deadly heatwave landed in North-East America.
Selena Gomez's debut studio album 'Stars Dance' was released.
Marvel's superhero movie 'Captain America: The First Avenger' hit the theaters.
US President Ronald Reagan was made aware that the USSR was stealing US technology and research.
NASA's Apollo 11 orbited the moon.
'The Midnight Snack' cartoon was released, making it Tom and Jerry's very first appearance.
Adolf Hitler offered peace to Great Britain if they would surrender and allow Germany to dominate the country.
Maurice-François Garin won the first Tour de France.
Paris Metro opens.
Franco-Prussian War starts.
The Seneca Falls Convention became the first-ever US women's rights convention.
Brunel's SS Great Britain ship was launched after taking four years to build.
George IV succeeded his father, George III, as King of the United Kingdom.
In Rosetta, Egypt, French troops discovered a black stone carved with two ancient Egyptian texts and one Ancient Greek text.
Five women were hanged for witchcraft as part of the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts, US.
Mary I replaces Lady Jane Grey as Queen of England.
The Great Fire of Rome started when the merchant shops around the Circus Maximus caught fire.