Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
The 9/11 victim compensation fund was extended indefinitely by the US Senate.
NASA announced they had found 'Earth's bigger, older cousin.'
The first US woman in space, Sally Ride, died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 61.
Singer legend Amy Winehouse was found dead at her home in London, England.
British boyband One Direction was formed during X-Factor UK.
The 87th Tour de France came to an end with the winner losing his title.
Eileen Collins became the first female space shuttle commander with the launch of mission STS-93.
Comet Hale–Bopp discovered.
Abkhazia declares independence from Georgia.
International Whaling Commission bans commercial whale hunting.
Landsat 1 launched.
Forty-three people were killed in the Detroit Riots, one of the worst riots in US history.
First live transatlantic television signal.
Pete Everest became the fastest man in the world.
The Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai.
Inventor William Austin Burt patented the typographer, also known as the typewriter in the US.
Benjamin Franklin sailed from England back to the US to work for a Quaker merchant in Philadelphia.
The first lighthouse in America was given the green light to be built at Little Brewster Island, Massachusetts.
Italian Artist Caravaggio signed his first commission contract to paint the Contarelli Chapel in the French church in Rome.