Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
At 340 days, Astronaut Scott Kelly completed the longest single mission aboard the International Space Station.
Spanish peseta lost its legal tender after fully adopting the Euro.
James Cameron's Titanic became the first film to gross more than $1 billion worldwide.
Internet giant Yahoo! is incorporated.
Justin Bieber was born in Stratford, Canada.
MAC Cosmetics makeup brand was founded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The first woman won the Life Achievement Award and was claimed by Bette Davis.
The Venera 3 space probe became the first human-made object to land on another planet.
President John F. Kennedy founded the Peace Corps.
Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin was found semi-conscious after suffering from a stroke.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is formed.
Captain America issue #1 comic was published by Timely Comics (which later became Marvel).
Aviator Charles Lindbergh's son is kidnapped.
Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
A Study in Scarlet became the first US edition of British detective Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Yellowstone National Park Protection Act went into law, making it the first National Park in the world.
Nebraska became the 37th state to join the United States of America.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first African American female physician.
The Death Penalty was abolished in the state of Michigan, except for treason.
Ohio became the 17th state to join the United States of America.
The first United States Census was authorized.