Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Disgraced former British PM David Cameron returned to the UK government.
The first-ever Barbie wearing a hijab was revealed at Glamour magazine's Women of the Year summit.
ISIL stages series of terrorist attacks in Paris, culminating in massacre at Bataclan theater.
Same-sex marriage was legalized in Hawaii.
The Northern Territory of Australia and the South Pacific were darkened by a total eclipse of the sun.
The ninth Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy IX, was released for PlayStation.
Sweden votes to join EU.
Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupts in Colombia, burying more than 23,000.
The first quintuplets of the century were born in London, UK.
Disney's animated feature 'Fantasia' was released to movie theaters in the US.
NBC assembled the first symphony utilized exclusively for radio.
Meat packers began the first modern sit-down strike at the Hormel plant in Austin, Minnesota.
The Cherry Mine disaster in Illinois killed 259 miners in a coal mine fire.
French engineer Paul Cornu flew his first helicopter in Normandy.
Joseph Conrad's novella 'Heart of Darkness' was published as one single book.
The infamous Bloody Sunday Protests were held in London.
The United States issued gold certificates to battle counterfeit notes.
The last bull run in Britain was held at Stamford.