Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
A tiger, who hunted and killed 13 people, was killed after a large-scale hunt in Central India.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 with Jennifer Lawrence premiered in Berlin, Germany.
A suicide bomber killed civilians watching the daily border closing ceremony at Pakistan's Wagah border.
The New York City Marathon was canceled due to Hurricane Sandy.
The comedy series 'Arrested Development' premiered on FOX.
The first crew arrived at the International Space Station onboard a Soyuz spacecraft.
Cobb, a film about the baseball player Ty Cobb and starring Tommy Lee Jones premiered.
The Dow Jones Industrial hit its third record high in one week.
The Airbus A330 had its first test flight.
The Morris Worm, the first computer virus made to be caught over the internet, disabled 6,000 computers in 24 hours.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day was officially made a federal US holiday.
A family coup in Saudi Arabia replaced King Saud with Faisal, his half-brother.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation established.
The Great Emu War in Australia began.
Haile Selassie I becomes the emperor of Ethiopia.
Balfour Declaration letter written.
North Dakota and South Dakota became the 39th & 40th states to join the United States of America.
The first issue of women's fashion magazine Harper's Bazaar was published.