Henry Bliss became the first person killed in an automobile accident in the United States.
The first-ever message was sent from a ship to the shore at Cliff House, San Francisco.
John Burr patented a better rotary blade lawn mower, designed with traction wheels and a rotary blade that would not easily get stuck with grass clipping.
German inventor Ferdinand von Zeppelin granted a patent for the navigable balloon.
Felix Hoffmann patented one of the world's most common drugs, Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
Iceland's first football club, Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkurv (Reykjavík Football Club), was founded.
Opel builds its first automobile.
Marie and Pierre Curie announced their discovery of radium.
French scientists Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium.
The Treaty of Paris was signed.
The Titanic of New England, the SS Portland, sunk off the coast of Maine.
Wilmington riots begin.
The largest music fraternity in the USA, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, was founded.
Machine guns were used for the first time in a battle in Omdurman, Sudan, Africa.
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was incorporated.
Caleb Bradham's beverage 'Brad's Drink' was renamed 'Pepsi-Cola.'
Edwin Prescott was awarded a patent for the vertical loop Roller Coaster.
Carl Gustav Witt discovered the first near-Earth asteroid, 433 Eros.
The US Navy claimed the island of Guam, which was previously under Spanish control.
American Astronomer William Henry Pickering discovered Phoebe, one of Saturn's moons.
The tone poem Don Quixote by Richard Strauss premiered in Cologne, Germany.
J. L. Love patented his pencil sharpener in the US.
George Smith, a London taxi driver, became the first person ever to be fined for drunk driving.
The first movie projector, correctly named the kinetoscope, was patented by Thomas Edison.
The London Electric Cab began operating on London streets.
William B. Purvis patented the electric switch on railways that would shut off the electric supply after carriages pass the contact device.
Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee in Berlin.
Dr. John Kellogg served the world's first cornflakes.
Martha Hughes Cannon of Utah became the first elected female State Senator in the United States.
The Erickson Brothers submitted the application for the first dial telephone patent.
Inventor Harvey Hubbell patented the popular light bulb with a pull chain.
Inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi applied for the patents for the radio.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is first published.
The chandelier of the Palais Garnier Opera House broke, and its debris fell on a crowd.
The first modern international Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece.
Aleksander Popov achieves the world's first radio transmission.
Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
College students illegally produced America's first X-ray photo.
Austrian newspaper called 'Die Presse' released Willhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays.
Utah became the 45th state to join the United States of America.
American inventor Ogden Bolton Jr. patented the first electric-powered bicycle.
The Chicago Times-Herald sponsored the United States' first-ever car race, with the winning car going an average of 7 miles per hour.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel signed his will.
Inventor Frederick E. Blaisdell patented the pencil in the US.
German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered x-rays.
George B. Selden was granted the patent for a gasoline internal combustion engine car.
Utah State ratified the women's right to vote in their state constitution.
Englishman wins the first U.S. Open golf tournament.
John Brallier became the first openly paid professional American Football player when he was paid $10 to play a match.
The first electric power was generated at Niagara Falls.