The Battle of Fort Sumter in South Carolina between the United States and the Confederate States started the American Civil War.
London launched its first tram, built by George Francis Train from NYC.
The Confederate States of America are established.
Kansas entered the Union, making it the 34th state to join the United States of America.
The state of Georgia seceded from the United States of America.
Inventor Elisha Otis acquired a patent for a steam engine for elevators.
The first shots of the American Civil War are fired.
South Carolina seceded from the United States of America.
Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States of America.
At 11 years old, Grace Bedell wrote to Abraham Lincoln, saying he should grow a beard.
James Wallace Black took the USA's first aerial photo in Boston from a hot air balloon.
In the Second Opium War, an Anglo-French force defeated Chinese troops at the Battle of Palikao.
The US Congress announced the United States Government Publishing Office formation.
The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for president at the 1860 Republican National Convention.
The world's first recording of the human voice is created.
The mail delivery system known as the Pony Express started.
English Novelist George Eliot completed her famous book called 'The Mill on the Floss.'
Urbain Le Verrier announces the discovery of the planet Vulcan.
Charles Darwin published his revolutionary work, On the Origin of Species.
The largest known solar storm occurred, causing electrical problems to telegraph services.
American driller Edwin Laurentine Drake successfully drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania, US.
Balloonist John Wise started the world's first airmail service by balloon from Lafayette to Crawfordsville, Indiana.
Inventor Otis Tufts patented the first elevator in the US.
The American Dental Association was founded in Niagara Falls, New York.
Charles Blondin became the first person to cross Niagara Falls by walking across a tightrope.
The Great Clock housing Big Ben starts keeping time.
The First Zoological Society in the US was formed in Philadelphia.
Oregon became the 33rd state to join the United States of America.
The Codex Sinaiticus – one of the oldest known copies of the bible – was discovered in Egypt.
Hawaii was shaken by an eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano that lasted 300 days and destroyed a coastal village.
The start of Modified Julian Date.
Macy's Department Store first opened.
Inventor Hamilton Smith received his patent for his rotary washing machine.
George Mary Searle discovered the asteroid 55 Pandora.
Charles Reed Bishop founded First Hawaiian Bank and opened its first branch in Honolulu.
Queen Victoria of Britain sent the first-ever transatlantic telegraph to US President James Buchanan.
Letter collections started being collected from mailboxes in Boston, US.
Britain took power over the Indian government.
Minnesota became the 32nd state to join the United States of America.
Hyman Lipman patented the pencil with an eraser on top.
Bernadette Soubirous sees a vision of the Virgin Mary near Lourdes.
Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the new capital of Canada.
The world's first soccer club, Sheffield F.C., was founded in England.
The first American Chess Congress started in New York.
Frederick Langenheim took the first photo of a solar eclipse.
Elisha Otis installed his first commercial elevator at 488 Broadway in New York City, US.
The National Association of Baseball Players was established in New York.
Christchurch, New Zealand, became the colony's first city by royal charter.
Senator Brooks from South Carolina used a cane to hit a Massachusetts Senator, Charles Sumner, after Sumner criticized slave owners.
Explorer David Livingstone became the first European to see Victoria Falls.