Pope Clement VII excommunicated King Henry VIII of England for his terrible behavior.
Anne Boleyn was crowned the Queen of England at Westminster Abbey.
Henry VIII declared his marriage to Catherine of Aragon officially null and void, despite Pope Clement VII's refusal to allow it.
Spanish conquistadors captured Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor.
Juan Diego saw the Virgin of Guadalupe, an apparition of the Virgin Mary, for the first time in Tepeyac, Mexico City.
Thirty thousand lives were lost after a major earthquake shook Lisbon.
King Henry VIII was forbidden to remarry in a letter sent to him by Pope Clement VII.
Pope Clement V performed his first Coronation, making Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor.
Francisco Pizarro became the Governor of Castile, which is a historic area of modern-day Peru.
Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Saragossa.
English Protestant author William Tyndale published 'The Obedience of a Christian Man' in Antwerp, Belgium.
England and France declared war on Austria's Emperor, Charles V.
The Sack of Rome occurred.
'Victoria' became the world's first recorded ship to have circumnavigated the globe when it arrived back in Spain.
Anne Boleyn made her first public appearance in court, where she took part in 'The Château Vert' pageant.
Martin Luther was declared an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Martin Luther faces charges for his revolutionary religious writings.
Martin Luther arrived at the Diet of Worms in Worms, Germany.
Portuguese Navigator Ferdinand Magellan discovered Guam, Micronesia in the Western Pacific.
Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict, demanding that he recant.
Navigator Ferdinand Magellan began his exploration of the Pacific Ocean.
The Stockholm Bloodbath came to an end when the final executions took place.
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to discover the Strait of Magellan.
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived at Cape Virgenes, becoming the first European to sail the Pacific Ocean.
Spanish conquistadors defeated a large Aztec army at the Battle of Otumba.
Due to mosquito infestations, the city of Havana was relocated to its final location.
Spanish navigator Ferdinand Magellan and crew set off aboard the Victoria on their adventure around the globe.
The first battle between the Spanish settlers and the Mexican natives of the Otomi and Tlaxcalans tribespeople started.
Spanish conquistador Pedro Arias Dávila founded Panama City.
Martin Luther had a public debate with theologian Johann Eck at Pleissenburg Castle in Leipzig.
The Ottoman forces took over Cairo, Egypt.
Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria enacted The German Beer Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot), strictly regulating beer making.
The world's first Jewish ghetto was established in Venice, Italy.
Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, the conquistador, founded Havana on the southern part of the island.
Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus made his first observation of Saturn.
Explorer Juan Ponce de León found Florida and claimed it for Spain.
Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León accidentally discovered Florida.
Spain decreed the Laws of Burgos, the first set of laws that attempted to govern Spaniards abroad in the Americas.
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling mural was presented to the public.
German professor Martin Luther became a doctor when he was awarded his Doctor of Theology from the University of Wittenberg, Germany.
An earthquake known as 'The Lesser Judgment Day' hit Constantinople.
Henry VIII was crowned King of England.
King Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon.
Henry VIII is crowned King of England.
France initiated the War of the League of Cambrai against Venice.
The construction of St Peter's Basilica began in the Vatican.
A contingent of 150 Swiss Guards arrived in the Vatican for the very first time.
Martin Luther was almost struck by lightning and became a monk.
The Battle of Knockdoe occurred in County Galway, Ireland.
A lunar eclipse saved explorer Christopher Columbus's life.