Christopher Columbus spotted the Cayman Islands.
Henry VIII, known then as Henry Tudor, established the title 'The Prince of Wales.'
During his fourth and final voyage, Christopher Columbus arrived in Costa Rica.
Christopher Columbus embarked on his fourth and final journey into the New World.
Portuguese navigators discovered Rio de Janeiro.
Michelangelo began his three-year project sculpting the Statue of David.
Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus observed a total lunar eclipse in Rome, Italy.
Portuguese explorer Diogo Dias became the first European to set foot on Madagascar.
The 15th-century Breton-French-Latin dictionary called the Catholicon was published.
A treaty was signed between the Old Swiss Confederacy and the House of Habsburg, ending years of conflict between the two states.
Michelangelo was commissioned to create his sculpture Pietà .
While sailing in the Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus discovered Venezuela, which he called 'Isla Santa.'
Christopher Columbus discovered Trinity Islands.
The emperor of China patented the toothbrush using coarse boar bristles.
After decades of failed attempts to reach the Indies, Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut, India.
Vasco da Gama became the first European to sail along Africa's East Coast.
Navigator Vasco da Gama of Portugal started his first voyage.
Explorer John Cabot claimed Canada for England, thinking he was in Asia when he was actually in Nova Scotia.
Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus recorded his first observation after witnessing a moon eclipse with a distant star.
Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tried to fly his famous Flying Machine invention for the first time.
King Charles VIII of France entered Naples to claim the city's throne.
Piero the Unfortunate was stripped of his title of Lord of Florence, Italy, and exiled.
During his second voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus spotted Jamaica and landed at Discovery Bay.
The first Native American uprising against Spanish rule occurred in the La Navidad colony.
Christopher Columbus discovered Puerto Rico on his second voyage.
Christopher Columbus discovered Sint Maarten in the West Indies.
Explorer Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage, found Dominica and the Kalinago people.
Explorer Christopher Columbus set sail on his second voyage with a larger fleet of 17 ships.
Pope Alexander VI divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.
Explorer Christopher Columbus wrote a letter about his travels to the New World.
Christopher Columbus left the New World to sail to Spain.
Christopher Columbus sighted manatees for the first time ever.
The Santa Maria sunk.
Christopher Columbus wrote about tobacco use by the natives of New England.
The Ensisheim Meteorite – the oldest meteorite with an observed fall – struck the Earth in France.
Explorer Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba.
Christopher Columbus claimed he first saw land at present-day Bahamas.
Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo de Borja became Pope.
Christopher Columbus set sail on his first voyage from Palos de la Frontera, Spain.
Martin Behaim presents the world's first globe.
Explorer Christopher Columbus was given funding for his first journey.
The Treaty of Granada was signed, marking the end of the Grenada War, which started in 1482.
King Richard III died at the Battle of Bosworth, the ultimate battle in the Wars of the Roses.
The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican opened for its first mass.
Richard III was crowned King of England.
This day marked the end of Edward V of England's reign.
King Edward V of England died.
The Treaty of Picquigny was signed between France and England, agreeing on a seven-year truce and free trade between the two kingdoms.
Stephen III of Moldavia defeated the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vaslui.
The War of the Roses ended with King Henry VI surrendering to King Edward IV in London.