Emperor Otho began his three-month reign after overthrowing the previous emperor.
Nero began his reign as Roman Emperor at the age of 16, as his predecessor Claudius died from suspicious circumstances.
Julius Caesar and his armies crossed the Rubicon River, an act that directly led to the Roman Civil War.
The Battle of Pharsalus ended.
The Battle of Dyrrhachium occurred.
Julius Caesar and his legions made battle with one of Caesar's former forces in the Battle of Ruspina in Africa.
The Julian Calendar was used for the first time.
Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt named her son Ptolemy XV Caesar a co-ruler of Egypt.
Julius Caesar was assassinated.
The Battle of Forum Gallorum took place to besiege Julius Caesar's assassin, Decimus Junius Brutus.
Claudius became the Roman Emperor.
Jesus Christ's Last Supper was held.
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian became the first Roman Emperor.
A solar eclipse occurred, which is said to have marked the birth of the Greek legend Hercules.
The Mayan calendar started being used.
God created the world, at least according to Archbishop James Ussher of Armagh.