Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.
The Flag of Quebec was adopted and flown for the first time over the National Assembly of Quebec.
Burma declared independence from the United Kingdom.
Last king of Romania steps down.
The Boeing B-47 Stratojet Strategic bomber plane made its first flight.
The French Army massacred more than 300 civilians in the Vietnamese village of Mỹ Trạch.
Queen Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey in London.
The first episode of Meet The Press, the longest-running American TV program, aired.
Maharaja Hari Singh agrees to the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India.
US Air Force Captain Chuck Yeager became the first-ever person to break the speed of sound, flying the Bell X-1 at 662 miles per hour.
Harry Truman delivers first‑ever presidential speech on TV.
Grace Hopper fell victim to the first-ever computer bug after removing a moth from her Harvard Mark II computer.
India Becomes Independent From British Rule.
Pakistan gained independence from the British Empire – a day before India's independence.
President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act.
British Princess Elizabeth got engaged to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.
A flying saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico, was broadcasted to the public.
Rosewell UFO sighting.
The Soviet Union started mass producing the AK-47 assault rifle.
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank was published.
Swedish company Saab, previously known for making aircraft, produced their first automobile.
Billie Holiday was arrested.
Thor Heyerdahl begins his legendary journey on Kon-Tiki.
Babe Ruth Day was commemorated for the first time to celebrate one of baseball's greatest players of all time.
President Harry Truman opened the two-lane White House bowling alley.
The Texas City industrial incident occurred, killing 536 people.
Jackie Robinson signed the first Major League Baseball contract for a Black ballplayer.
Car engineer Henry Ford died at the age of 83.
The first Tony Awards were handed out at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City.
The Truman doctrine is proclaimed.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is formed.
An anti-government uprising took place in Taiwan, where around 28,000 people lost their lives.
The state of Prussia is dissolved.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) begins operating.
US General Eisenhower bid to raise $170 million in aid to help European Jews.
Edwin Land presented his Polaroid photo product, the world's first instant photos, in New York City.
Christian Dior presented 'The New Look Fashion Show.'
The temperature plunged to -81.4°F in Snag, Yukon, Canada, making it the coldest recorded temperature in North America.
The first arcade game is patented.
US President Harry Truman officially proclaimed the end of World War II.
The Christmas classic directed by Frank Capra, 'It's a Wonderful Life,' premiered in New York.
UNICEF founded.
A V-2 rocket captured the first photograph of Earth from outer space.
Trial of the Major War Criminals end.
Cathay Pacific Airways, Hong Kong's flagship airline, was founded.
Interim government of India is formed.
World's first theme park opens its doors in in Santa Claus, Indiana, USA.
Dr. Benjamin Spock's book 'Common Sense Book of Baby & Child Care' was published.
The Philippines gained its independence as a nation after 381 years of colonial rule.
Bhumibol Adulyadej is crowned King of Thailand.