The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) resumed TV broadcasting for the first time since the end of WWII.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is founded.
The United States Supreme Court declared that it was unlawful to discriminate in interstate travel.
Italians voted to form a republic instead of a monarchy.
Ion Antonescu, Romania's dictatorial World War II leader, was executed by firing squad.
Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering, later renamed to Sony, was founded with approximately 20 employees.
The League of Nations was officially dissolved by its member states.
The inaugural meeting of the International Court of Justice was held in The Hague, Netherlands.
America built the first rocket to reach an altitude of 50 miles (80 km).
Citizens of Bikini Island evacuated for nuclear testing.
The first commercial helicopter, Sikorsky S51, had its first test flight.
The United Nations General Assembly passes its first resolution.
The UN Security Council holds its first session.
The first General Assembly of the United Nations opens.
Twenty-nine nations came together to sign an agreement that created the International Monetary Fund.
Nuremberg trials begin.
The Constitution of UNESCO was signed and a Preparatory Commission established.
The United Nations is born.
The Food and Agriculture Organization, popularly known as the FAO was established in Quebec City, Canada.
Inventor Percy L. Spencer patented the Microwave Oven.
Segregation led many students to walk out of Froebel High School, Gary, Indiana.
Mike the Headless Chicken lost his head.
Japan formally surrendered, officially bringing an end to the six years of World War II.
After six years at war, Japan surrendered, marking the end of World War II.
American forces made a second attack on Japan during World War II and dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
The United States of America dropped its first-ever atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan.
The Potsdam Conference which is convened to negotiate the terms of the end of WW II comes to an end.
The USS Indianapolis vessel was torpedoed and sunk.
US bomber plane crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, and Lou Oliver survived a 75-story drop in an elevator.
Potsdam Declaration is signed.
The Potsdam Conference began between the Soviet Union, UK & US.
The world's first atomic bomb was detonated.
The 1945 United Kingdom general election took place with the Labour Party winning by a landslide.
Fifty countries signed the United Nations Charter in San Francisco.
Okinawa falls to U.S. troops.
The Germans surrendered to the Allies.
The Battle of Berlin ended, with German forces conceding as the Soviet army took Berlin.
Adolf Hitler's death is announced on German radio.
Adolf Hitler and his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide in their bunker in Berlin, Germany.
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun got married in Berlin, Germany.
The US Army freed 32,000 concentration camp prisoners in Dachau, Germany.
Fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was executed in a small village in Northern Italy.
Adolf Hitler admits defeat.
The last major battle of WWII took place.
The German concentration camp Bergen-Belsen is liberated.
The battle of Iwo Jima was won by the US after a month and a week of fighting.
Shareholders of The Swallow Sidecar Company agreed to change its company name to Jaguar Cars Limited.
The Arab League is founded.
Adolf Hitler orders the destruction of all industries in Germany.
British bomber planes obliterated 89% of Würzburg, Germany, within just 20 minutes.