Police killed Bonnie and Clyde.
The first Three Stooges film is released.
The Surgeon's Photograph, the most famous photo of the Loch Ness Monster, was published.
Bonnie and Clyde shot two highway patrolmen outside Grapevine, Texas.
Driving tests were introduced in the UK for the first time.
The notorious John Dillinger used a wooden pistol to break out of prison.
The Austrian Civil War came to an end after four days of bloodshed.
A record low temperature was recorded and reached a bone-chilling -15°F in Central Park, New York City.
Lady Macbeth by Dmitri Shostakovich was performed for the first time in Leningrad, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Fujifilm is founded.
21st Amendment is ratified; Prohibition ends.
Meat packers began the first modern sit-down strike at the Hormel plant in Austin, Minnesota.
The bank robber John Dillinger and his gang robbed $75,000 from the Central National Bank in Greencastle, Indiana.
Albert Einstein safely arrived in the US after fleeing Nazi Germany.
United Airlines Boeing 247 explosion.
Elizabeth McCombs won the seat of Lyttelton, becoming the first woman in New Zealand to be elected a Member of Parliament.
Ghazi bin Faisal became King of Iraq.
American aviator Wiley Post becomes the first person to fly solo around the Earth.
Robber John Dillinger stole $10,000 in his first robbery at a bank in New Carlisle, Ohio.
The US celebrated the opening of its very first drive-in cinema.
The White House opened its first indoor swimming pool.
Walt Disney released a short film, '3 Little Pigs,' which won the Academy Award Best Animated film in 1934.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Tennessee Valley Act to build dams.
Nazis ceremonially burn about 25,000 allegedly 'un-German' books.
Mohandas Gandhi started a 21-day fast.
The official secret police force of Nazi Germany, the Gestapo, was established.
An Imperial Airways passenger aircraft crashed in Belgium, killing all fifteen on board.
The German legislature passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave Hitler complete control over Germany.
The original 'King Kong' movie was shown at Radio City Music Hall and RKO Roxy, New York City, US.
An 8.4 magnitude Sanriku Earthquake and tsunami rocked Japan.
President Hindenburg issued the Reichstag Fire Decree.
The Reichstag, Germany's parliament building, was set on fire by a Dutch communist.
Nazi Cabinet minister Hermann Göring banned all Catholic newspapers.
An assassination attempt was made against US President Franklin D. Roosevelt by an Italian immigrant, Giuseppe Zangara.
Hitler gave his first speech as Chancellor explaining why Nazi power should rule.
Asian record where temperatures plummeted to -90° F in Oymyakon, Russia.
A record 112 foot (34 meters) sea wave was recorded during a storm in the Pacific Ocean.
The day after being appointed, Adolf Hitler called for new elections to ensure he would win majority votes.
Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany.
Construction of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco began.
Radio City Music Hall opened in New York City.
The Mummy film, directed by Karl Freund, was released in the US.
The Great Emu War in Australia began.
The Kingdom of Iraq won its independence from the United Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Founded.
The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as Games of the X Olympiad, were held in Los Angeles, United States.
The American horror movie 'White Zombie' was released at New York City's Rivoli Theater.
US President Herbert Hoover slashed his salary by 20% and his cabinet members by 15% due to the Economic Act signed on June 30, 1932.
Taxes were raised in the US with the implementation of the Revenue Act.
Amelia Earhart landed near Londonderry in Northern Ireland, completing her solo transatlantic flight, making her the first woman to do so.