The original 'Winnie the Pooh' novel written by A. A. Milne was released.
Violet Stewart Piercy, a long-distance runner from England, set the first recorded marathon win for women at 3:40:22.
Henry Ford changed employees' working schedules to 8-hour days, 5 days a week.
First Woman to Swim Across the English Channel.
Mercedes and Benz merged to form the brand name Mercedes-Benz.
Paavo Nurmi ran a world record time of 3000 meters in 8 minutes and 25 seconds.
Thomas Edison spoke on the radio for the first time at a dinner for the National Electric Light Association.
The first confirmed trip to the North Pole was carried out by the Norge, a semi-rigid Italian-built airship.
The first flight over the North Pole was completed, flown by Richard E. Byrd with co-pilot Floyd Bennett.
Robert Goddard launched his second liquid-fueled rocket.
The world's first liquid-fueled rocket was launched.
Bertha Landes became the first female mayor of a major city (Seattle) in the US.
The first two-way transatlantic telephone takes place.
Walt Disney Studios was formed after previously being known as Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio.
The theory of Wave Mechanics by physicist Erwin Schrödinger was first taught in lectures.
Scottish inventor John Logie Baird changed the world of communication and entertainment forever when he demonstrated television for the first time.
Inventor Fred Waller patented the aquaplane, which would become water skis.
Adolf Hitler published Mein Kampf in Germany.
The Scopes Monkey Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee.
Charlie Chaplin's silent movie 'The Gold Rush' was released.
Ty Cobb, a future Baseball Hall of Fame center fielder, was the first to gain 1,000 extra-base hits.
The All-China Federation of Trade Unions was founded.
Franz Kafka publishes his landmark novel The Trial.
Adolf Hitler formed the Schutzstaffel, the infamous paramilitary organization known to most as the SS.
The first issue of 'The New Yorker' was published.
The first Sears retail store opened in Chicago.
20 mushers embark on a journey to transport medicine to Nome, Alaska, inspiring the Iditarod Race.
Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming became the first female American governor.
Benito Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship over Italy began after an aggressive speech in parliament.
Astronomer Edwin Hubble formally announced the existence of other galactic systems at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
Peter Pan made his first on-screen appearance.
Judy Garland made her show business debut.
Adolf Hitler was freed from jail early.
USPTO received a trademark for the Kleenex brand name.
The New York Times published Edwin Hubble's discovery that the Andromeda 'nebula' is actually a galaxy.
Nellie Tayloe Ross was elected to become Wyoming's governor, the first time a woman held a governorship in the United States.
The Statue of Liberty's fingers, which clasp the handle of her torch, was fully installed.
First successful around‑the‑world flight.
Mars had a 'close encounter' with Earth at 34.8 million miles apart.
The Ford Motor Company manufactured its ten millionth car.
The Indian Citizenship Act was signed into law.
A team of aviators begins the first round-the-world flight in history.
The Royal Canadian Air Force was formed out of the Canadian Air Force.
The last remnant of the Ottoman empire in Turkey is abolished.
George Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' premieres.
The first state execution in the US was performed in the state of Nevada.
The Greenwich Time Signal is broadcast for the first time.
Mahatma Gandhi was released from prison after two years into his six-year sentence.
The first Winter Olympics medal was awarded to American Skater Charles Jewtraw after skating 5,000 meters in just 44 seconds.
The world's first Winter Olympics took place in Chamonix, France.