Republic of China is founded.
Mongolian Independence.
Sun Yat-sen was elected the first President of the Republic of China.
A Norwegian expedition became the first to ever reach the geographical South Pole – led by Roald Amundsen.
Calbraith Rodgers completed the first crossing of the US by airplane in 84 days.
Louis Chevrolet incorporated the Chevrolet Motor Car Company.
The age of bombing by airplane begins.
London's last horse-drawn omnibus trip went from London Bridge Station to Moorgate.
The Wuchang Uprising broke out.
Italy declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa painting was stolen from the Louvre, Paris, by Vincenzo Perugia.
American archeologist Hiram Bingham III rediscovered Machu Picchu, Peru.
The royal coronation of King George V and Queen Mary took place in the UK.
IBM was founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York.
The RMS Titanic was launched from Belfast, where it was also constructed.
The first Indianapolis 500 is held.
The first International Women's Day is observed by over 1 million people in several European countries.
23 cars take part in the first Rally Monte Carlo.
Neon lighting was first demonstrated at the Paris Motor Show by Georges Claude.
Johan Alfred Ander, the last executed in Sweden.
Theodore Roosevelt became the first US President to fly in an airplane.
Two baseball teams played a night match at White Sox Party using three 100-foot towers lit with 12 electric lamps.
Walden W. Shaw and John D. Hertz founded the Shaw Livery Company and introduced the yellow cabs to attract passengers.
Engineer Alva J. Fisher patented the electric washing machine.
Igor Stravinsky's ballet 'The Firebird' is premiered.
Father's Day was celebrated for the first time in the US.
On the passing of his father, Edward VII, George V became the King of Great Britain, Ireland, and all its overseas territories.
The Royal Canadian Navy was established.
Frenchman Henri Fabre flew the world's first seaplane in Martinique, France.
The Lakeview Gusher causes the largest accidental oil spill in history.
Raymonde de Laroche becomes the first woman with a pilot's license.
Two trains crashed in a snowstorm in Wellington, Washington, USA, claiming the lives of 96 people.
An Irish cook in New York, US, infected 53 people with typhoid.
The Boy Scouts of America is founded.
Manhattan Bridge opens for traffic.
Inventor Leo Baekeland patented the first thermosetting plastic, Bakelite, which sparked the birth of the plastics industry.
The Cherry Mine disaster in Illinois killed 259 miners in a coal mine fire.
Phantom of the Opera makes its Literary Debut.
French aviator Eugène Lefebvre tragically died in an airplane crash, making this day the first-ever aviation fatality.
The first installment of concrete was poured into the Panama Canal.
American steamship S. S. Arapahoe became the first to use the signal 'SOS' off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA.
28-year-old chemist Eugène Schueller founded a beauty company, which would later be named L'Oreal.
Glenn Curtis sold the first airplane in the US for just $5,000.
The Giro d'Italia cycle race is held for the first time.
The British runner, Henry Barrett, ran a world record marathon at 2 hours, 42 minutes, and 31 seconds in the Polytechnic Marathon in London.
The first Converse shoes were introduced.
The Roman Catholic Church declared Joan of Arc a saint.
Sixty-six Jewish families founded the City of Tel Aviv.
Americans reached the North Pole.
William Howard Taft takes the oath of office, becoming the twenty-seventh President of the United States.