A color motion picture is shown to the general public for the first time.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded in the U.S.
The world's first synthetic plastic is developed.
A Morse code distress call was made at sea, which led to the first radio sea rescue.
Jack Johnson became the first African American to win the world heavyweight boxing title.
The Chinese child Emperor Pu Yi ascended the Chinese throne at the age of two.
The Marianna Coal Mine in Pennsylvania exploded and killed 154 men.
Margaret Symons became the first woman to speak in British Parliament.
Austria‑Hungary annexes Bosnia‑Herzegovina.
The Ford Motor Company shipped the first Ford Model T to a customer.
The first Ford Model T car was assembled.
The General Motors Corporation was founded.
The Bank of Italy opened in San Francisco, California, and would later become Bank of America.
Ford completed their first Model T vehicle at a Ford plant in Detroit, Michigan.
Wright Brothers Publicly Show Off Their Flying Machine For the First Time.
The famous Great White Fleet left San Francisco to continue its around-the-world journey.
The Morse code distress signal 'SOS,' originating from Germany, became the world's official message for help.
An unidentified object thought to be a meteoroid or comet smashed into a remote forest in Siberia and destroyed 21,528 square feet of land.
Engineers make the first major oil find in the Middle East.
After encountering many difficulties, Nathan Stubblefield was finally granted a US patent for his new version of a wireless telephone.
Mother's Day was officially celebrated for the first time in Grafton, West Virginia.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game was copyrighted.
Frank Gotch won the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship after a 2-hour match.
The quickest boxing match in history took place.
The Inter Milan soccer club was formed.
A Dutch scientist named Heike Kamerlingh Onnes announced he was able to create solid helium.
King Carlos I of Portugal and his heir were assassinated in Lisbon.
Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell published his manual ''Scouting for Boys."
New York City passed a law prohibiting women from smoking in public places.
The first long-distance radio message is broadcast from the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
The Grand Canyon National Monument was created.
The New Year's Eve Ball was lowered in New York Times Square for the very first time.
Oklahoma became the 46th state to join the United States of America.
The Great White Fleet began its worldwide navigation.
French engineer Paul Cornu flew his first helicopter in Normandy.
King Edward VII was gifted with The Cullinan Diamond (the world's largest diamond) on his 60th birthday.
Quebec Bridge in St Lawrence, Canada, collapsed after four years of construction.
Sir Robert Baden-Powell established the Boys Scouts in England.
Autochrome Lumière color photography is introduced.
Charles Curtis started his six-year term as the first Native American US Senator.
Maria Montessori opens her first school.
The London Underground's Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway opened.
The first historically Black intercollegiate Greek-lettered fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, was founded.
Theodore Roosevelt became the first US president to visit another country while in office, visiting Puerto Rico and Panama.
The International Radiotelegraph Conference in Berlin selected 'SOS' (· · · – – – · · ·) as the global standard for radio distress calls.
Black soldiers were blamed for raiding a bar in Brownsville, Texas, US.
The United States Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act.
The first Grand Prix car race is held.
The Wright Brothers were granted a patent for their 'flying machine' after applying for it three years earlier.
The 1906 Olympic Games begin in Athens.