Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Rolling Stone magazine removed one of its co-founders, Jann Wenner, from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
The New York Times published an investigation declaring Guantanamo Bay Prison as the most costly prison in the world.
Personal information of Ecuador's entire population (16.6 million) became available online on an unsecured cloud server in Miami.
Nature magazine announced that more than 3 million people die yearly from air pollution.
Barbra Streisand's album 'Partners' was released, featuring duets with many hugely famous male artists.
The movie 'Drive,' based on James Sallis's novel, was released in the US.
Steve Jobs was named interim CEO of Apple Computers.
Arnold Schwarzenegger gained US citizenship.
Members of a right-wing Lebanese militia massacre 1500-3000 people in two Beirut-area refugee camps.
An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter Scale rocks the city of Tabas in Iran.
Rolling Stone Magazine featured the Hulk on the front cover.
The Metropolitan Opera House opened to a full house in New York City.
Malaysia is created.
Pakistan established its national space agency, the SUPARCO.
The Wall Street bombing took place in Manhattan, New York City.
The General Motors Corporation was founded.
The first American college outside of the USA was founded in Istanbul, Turkey.
The village of Shawmut in Massachusetts adopted the name Boston.
Owain Glyndŵr was declared Prince of Wales by his followers.