First Kwanzaa celebrations.
Jimi Hendrix wrote 'Purple Haze' backstage at the Upper Cut Club, London.
A military dog 'Nemo' saved the life of his handler, Airman Robert A. Throneburg, during the Vietnam War.
World's first tidal power station opens in France.
NASA launched the Gemini program's tenth and final crewed spacecraft, Gemini 12.
NASA's Lunar Orbiter 2 launched atop an Atlas Agena rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
The catastrophic Tragedy of Aberfan occurred in South Wales, killing many who were in a local school, mostly children.
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black-rights political organization, Black Panther Party.
Lesotho gained independence from British rule.
Botswana gained independence from the United Kingdom.
The Metropolitan Opera House opened to a full house in New York City.
President Lyndon B signed the National Traffic and Motor Safety Act, which set new standards for vehicles and drivers.
Queen Elizabeth II of England officially opened the Severn Bridge in South West England.
Namibian War of Independence Begins.
The first-ever photograph was taken of the Earth from the surface of the Moon.
England won the FIFA World Cup Final in London against Germany with a score of 4-2.
NASA launched Gemini X, the tenth spaceflight of the Gemini program.
NASA launched their spacecraft Saturn IB from Cape Kennedy, Florida, US.
Freedom of Information Act in the US is signed into law.
The Beatles were banned from the Philippines.
Civil Rights marchers in Canton, Mississippi, were dispersed by tear gas during the 'March Against Fear.'
Sheila Scott became the first woman to fly solo around the world.
US Supreme Court declared the start of informing potential criminals of their rights. These became known as the Miranda rights.
In China, the Cultural Revolution begins.
The Beatles performed their final show in England at Empire Pool in Wembley, London.
The Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco.
Luna 10 was launched by the USSR and became the first satellite to orbit the moon.
Van's opened its first store at 704 East Broadway in Anaheim, California.
Luna 9 touches down on the Moon.
The first weather satellite (ESSA-1) was launched into orbit from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
The Beaumont children, Jane, Arnna, and Grant, vanished from a beach in Adelaide, Australia, and were never found.
Indira Gandhi was elected as India's fourth Prime Minister.
The adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).
'Jingle Bells' became the first song played in space when it was broadcast during NASA's Gemini 6 space flight.
The Pioneer 6 space probe was launched atop a Delta-E rocket.
A giant ball of fire was seen arching across the sky from Michigan to Pennsylvania.
The Gemini 7 launched with Frank Borman and Jim Lovell.
France successfully launched their first satellite, Astérix, into Earth's orbit.
The Houston Astrodome opened.
The Soviet Union's Venera 3 space probe was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
Rhodesia, a region that is comprised of present day Zimbabwe declared its freedom from the United Kingdom under the leadership of predominantly white leaders.
Pope John Paul IV visited New York, becoming the first Pope to visit the Western Hemisphere.
The Indo-Pakistani War comes to an end after a UN-mandated ceasefire.
Sandwich restaurant Subway was founded in Bridgeport, Connecticut, US.
Singapore separates from Malaysia and becomes independent.
US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, which was introduced to stop voting discrimination against minority groups.
Maldives gained independence from British rule.
Mars flyby of Mariner 4.
Soviet spacecraft Luna 6, destined for a moon landing, failed after flying right past it.
NASA launched the second crewed mission of the Gemini Space Program, Gemini 4.