The Warsaw Uprising involved Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resisting Nazi Germany during WWII.
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Jefferson Memorial to Thomas Jefferson.
The US Air Force accidentally bombed the Belgian town of Mortsel.
A plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb fails.
German troops liquidate the Jewish ghetto in Kraków.
The battle of the Ruhr campaign began during WWII with an air raid in Essen, Germany.
Non-violent protests in Berlin prevent the deportation of 2000 jews.
American movie studio executives allowed the Office of War Information to review their scripts.
The Gestapo arrests German resistance fighter Sophie Scholl and other White Rose activists.
Winston Churchill fell ill with pneumonia.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a 48-hour working week order to increase production during World War II.
The New York Times published a government message that the US would be rationing shoes.
The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end as the Axis Powers surrender.
World record for fastest temperature change.
Insurgents in the Warsaw Ghetto take up arms against the German oppressors.
Construction of The Pentagon was completed.
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt arrived in Morocco, where he met British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to discuss allies during World War II.
Adolf Hitler signed the order to develop the V-2 rocket as a weapon during World War II.
The world's first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction happened in Chicago Pile-1 at the University of Chicago. It was overseen by Enrico Fermi.
The American drama movie 'Now, Voyager' premiered in New York City, US.
Boeing B-29 Superfortress flies for the first time.
Quit India Movement Begins in India.
300,000 Jews from a ghetto in Warsaw were deported and executed by Nazi rule.
The United States Congress formally recognized the Pledge of Allegiance and added it to the Federal Flag Code.
Kazimierz Piechowski and three others escape from Auschwitz concentration camp.
Imperial Japan began a series of submarine attacks on Sydney.
The first 1,000 Royal Air force bomber raid dropped 38 thousand tons of bombs on Cologne, Germany.
Czech resistance fighters kill Reinhard Heydrich.
Mexico declared war on Nazi-Germany and Japan.
The US Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was formed.
United States civilians received ration books for the first time.
German bombers attacked the English city of Exeter, beginning the Baedeker Blitz.
The island of Malta was awarded the George Cross by King George VI of England.
Anne Miller became the first American patient to be treated with penicillin.
The US army enlisted its first female colonel, Julia Flikke.
The Dutch East Indies colony surrendered the island of Java to Imperial Japanese forces.
Daylight Saving started in the US.
Voice of America, the US' official external radio and television service, began broadcasting.
Nazi officials meet to organize the extermination of Jews.
Pan American Airlines completed its first round the world commercial trip.
The Duquesne Spy Ring, a Nazi German espionage network, was sentenced to prison.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill establishing the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day in the US.
The US Office of Censorship was created to control info relating to World War II.
Germany declares war on the United States.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his 'Day of Infamy' speech to the US Congress – a day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor was attacked.
Japanese Emperor Hirohito approved plans set forward by his advisors to go to war against the United States of America.
Adolf Hitler declared the imminent extermination of the Jews at a meeting in the Reich Chancellery.
The Albanian Communist Party was formed, with Enver Hoxha as its leader.
After 14 years of work, Mount Rushmore was completed.