Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
Parker Brothers released the Monopoly board game.
Nuremberg laws instituted by the Nazi party are put into force.
Howard Hughes designed and built the world's fastest plane called the H-1 racer, then, on this day, flew it at a new world speed record at 352 miles per hour in Santa Fe, California.
Sir Malcolm Campbell broke the world record speed exceeding 300 mph on the Bonneville Flats, Utah, US.
Rowntree's introduced the famous Kit Kat featuring three layers of wafer cut into finger slices and surrounded by milk chocolate.
Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, creating a government pension system for the retired.
Oklahoma City, USA, installed the world's first parking meter.
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in Akron, Ohio.
20th Century Fox was founded after a merger of Fox Film Corporation and Twentieth Century Pictures.
The Moscow Metro was opened to the public.
The Eastman Kodak Company launches Kodachrome.
New York became the first US court to allow blood test results to be used as evidence.
Colorado became the birthplace of the cheeseburger.
Nylon is invented.
Robert Watson-Watt demonstrated radar in Slough, England, UK.
Planes were banned from passing over the White House.
Danish-Norwegian explorer Caroline Mikkelsen became the first woman to set foot in Antarctica.
A polygraph test was conducted by its inventor, Leonarde Keeler, for the first time.
Law No. 38 in Iceland was approved, making abortion legal.
The first canned beer received instant approval from customers.
Coopers Inc. started selling the world's first men's briefs in Chicago.
Amelia Earhart flies solo from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.