Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Elon Musk unveiled a pig called Gertrude with a coin-sized computer chip in her brain.
Eminem won four awards for his hit song Without Me at the 19th MTV Music Video Awards.
Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in California.
Abdul Mohmand becomes the first person from Afghanistan to Visit Space.
The element Meitnerium (Mt) was first synthesised.
The Beatles' final concert, at Candlestick Park, San Francisco.
The Gemini V spacecraft returned to Earth, landing in the Atlantic Ocean.
Soviet Union Tests its First Atomic Bomb.
Rowntree's introduced the famous Kit Kat featuring three layers of wafer cut into finger slices and surrounded by milk chocolate.
Quebec Bridge in St Lawrence, Canada, collapsed after four years of construction.
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was incorporated.
Inventor Gottlieb Daimler filed for a patent for a two-wheel 'riding car,' or in other words, 'motorcycle.'
Sir William Huggins discovered the spectrum of a planetary nebula at his observatory in Upper Tulse Hill in London, England.
Daniel Halladay patented the self-governing windmill.
Michael Faraday was credited for discovering electromagnetic induction.
British naval vessel HMS Royal George sank, and over 800 lives were lost.
The Treaty of Picquigny was signed between France and England, agreeing on a seven-year truce and free trade between the two kingdoms.
The oldest Japanese coinage was minted.