Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the document that laid out the rights of children around the world.
Adventures of Asterix was first published in the French magazine 'Pilote.'
Guggenheim Museum opens in New York City.
The Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 allowed the world to look at the far side of the moon for the first time.
Typhoon Vera struck Japan with winds exceeding 160 miles per hour.
Vanguard 3 is launched into Earth's orbit.
The Luna 2 spacecraft by the Soviet Union became the first human-made artifact to land on the moon's surface.
The Soviet Union's Luna 2 space probe became the first spacecraft to reach the moon's surface.
Hawaii becomes 50th state.
NASA's Explorer 6 satellite launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Cliff Richard and The Drifters' single 'Living Doll' reached number one in the UK charts and stayed there for six weeks.
Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev have a 'kitchen debate'.
American sci-fi horror movie 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' premiered.
Mary Leakey discovered ancient skull remains in Tanzania, Africa.
The Disneyland Monorail System opened to the public in Anaheim, California.
Christopher Cockerell first presents the hovercraft.
The first ballistic missile submarine was launched from Groton, Connecticut, US.
Gypsy opened at Broadway Theater in NYC for 702 performances.
The North Vietnamese Army begins organizing the Ho Chi Minh trail.
The first Grammy Awards was held.
One of the first modern programming languages is created.
The Dalai Lama received political asylum in India after fleeing from China.
The black and white romantic comedy 'Some Like it Hot' was released to movie theaters in New York City.
The Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India.
Robert Foster made a world record for holding his breath underwater.
A revolt erupts in Lhasa, sparking the Tibetan uprising.
Barbie was presented to the public for the first time.
Miles Davis records Kind of Blue.
The US Air Force launched the Discoverer 1 reconnaissance satellite.
Jimi Hendrix played his first gig at Temple de Hirsch Synagogue, Seattle, USA.
Fidel Castro was sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba.
The Soviet R-7 Semyorka, the world's first Intercontinental ballistic missile, became operational.
The first microchip is patented.
Rock and roll musician Buddy Holly died during a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa.
A three-day-long 'dense smog' rolled through London.
Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' was released in theaters.
Five boys rediscovered the Caves of Nerja in Andalucia, Spain.
Charles de Gaulle becomes president of France.
The world's most famous clown 'Bozo' premiered live on KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, California, US.
Singer Buddy Holly's last song was released.
The Soviet spacecraft Luna I became the first to pass the moon.
Alaska became the 49th State to join the United States of America.
Luna 1 is launched.
Fidel Castro's revolutionary forces overthrew the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.