Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Donald Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter due to the risk of further incitement of violence.
Justin Bieber posted on Instagram that he has Lyme disease, a bacterial illness spread by ticks.
Twenty One Pilots released their third studio album called 'Vessel.'
Giant self-rolling snowballs were found in the UK.
A 6.7 magnitude earthquake shook the entire Eastern Mediterranean.
Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov begins his record spaceflight.
Japanese prime minister treated president George H. W. Bush to dinner, and Bush threw up on the host.
The unmanned space mission Luna 21 was launched.
During his State of the Union address, US President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a 'War on Poverty.'
Charles de Gaulle becomes president of France.
The state of Mississippi became the first to accept the prohibition of alcohol.
The African National Congress (ANC) is founded.
Computer pioneer Herman Hollerith patents his punched card calculator.
The US wasn't in debt on this day.
Mathematician Sophie Germain became the first woman to be awarded the prestigious Paris Academy of Sizes Prize for her theory of surface vibrations.
The first President of the United States, George Washington, delivered the first State of the Union address in New York City.
The world's oldest newspaper, Haarlem, published its first paper in the Netherlands.
Christopher Columbus sighted manatees for the first time ever.