Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
France became the first country in the world to include access to abortion in its constitution.
The Batman, featuring lead actor Robert Pattinson, hit the box office in 4,217 locations in North America.
Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk over the Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua.
The world's first national internet election is held.
A Real IRA car bomb exploded in front of the BBC's headquarters in London, injuring one person.
The Soviet Union's Vega 1 Space Probe began sending back images of Halley's Comet.
World tennis champion Martina Navratilova won her 74th match streak.
Robert Mugabe becomes Zimbabwe's first black prime minister.
The Vrancea earthquake claims over 1500 lives.
The first People's Choice Awards aired on CBS.
John Lennon made a controversial statement saying that the Beatles were 'more popular than Jesus.'
The silent horror movie "Nosferatu" was released in Berlin, making it the first-ever vampire movie.
The first documented cases of the Spanish flu herald a deadly worldwide pandemic.
The United States Department of Labor was formed.
William Howard Taft takes the oath of office, becoming the twenty-seventh President of the United States.
Arthur takes office as vice president in the presidential administration of James Garfield.
William Henry Harrison inaugurated as the ninth President of the United States.
Martin Van Buren inaugurated as the 8th President of the United States.
America's second president John Adams was inaugurated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Vermont became the 14th state to join the United States of America.
The Senate convened for the first time after the new federal government was set up in the USA.
The U.S. Constitution is put into effect.
King Charles II appoints John Flamsteed to 'The Kings Astronomical Observator' – the first English Astronomer Royal, with an allowance of £100 a year.
The Second Anglo-Dutch War began as England fought the Dutch republic for the control of seas and trade routes.
Anne Boleyn made her first public appearance in court, where she took part in 'The Château Vert' pageant.