Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
President George Washington proclaimed the day an official National Day of Thanksgiving for the United States of America.
North Carolina became the 12th state to join the United States of America.
The American state of New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
Father John Carrol became the first Catholic Bishop in the United States.
Following the women's march on Versailles, The National Assembly declared martial law in France to prevent future uprisings.
George Washington issued his 'Thanksgiving Proclamation.'
The US congress proposed the addition of twelve changes to the US Constitution.
The United States Congress passed the Judiciary Act.
German-British astronomer William Herschel discovered the moon of Saturn, 'Mimas.'
President George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as the first Secretary of the US Treasury.
U.S. Department of the Treasury is formed.
Saturn's moon, Enceladus, was discovered by William Herschel.
The US Department of Foreign Affairs, the fledgling nation's first federal agency, was established.
The French Revolution began when the Parisians invaded Bastille Prison.
Revolutionary War soldiers formed the Society of St. Tammany.
The first inaugural ball was held.
George Washington gave his first speech as the first President of the United States.
The first vice president of the United States, John Adams, was sworn in.
George Washington started his 220-mile journey to become the first President of the United States.
The Senate convened for the first time after the new federal government was set up in the USA.
The U.S. Constitution is put into effect.
George Washington is elected as first President of the United States.
The Power of Symphony by William Hill Brown became the first novel published in America.