Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Norway became the first country in the world where electric cars outnumbered petrol cars.
During the Senate climate crisis task force, climate change activity Greta Thunberg said, 'You're not trying hard enough. Sorry.'
Occupy Wall Street movement begins.
The New York Stock Exchange reopened for trading after the September 11 attacks.
Linus Torvalds released the first version of the Linux operating system kernel for free on the Internet.
Miss America crowned Vanessa Williams, the first black winner, in New York City.
Camp David Accords are signed.
NASA unveiled its first space shuttle, the Space Shuttle Enterprise.
Conjoined twins were successfully separated for the first time.
Finnish long-distance runner Taisto Mäki broke the 10,000-meter world record in 29:52:06.
A day after Japan wins the Battle of Pyongyang it defeats China in the Battle of the Yalu River.
Inventor Phillip W Pratt obtained the patent for his sprinkler system designed to extinguish fires.
Battle of Antietam breaks out.
The fourth great fire of San Francisco happened, destroying a considerable portion of the city.
Treaty of Fredrikshamn is signed between Sweden and Russia.
German-British astronomer William Herschel discovered the moon of Saturn, 'Mimas.'
39 out of 50 delegates signed the US Constitution and shared it publicly.
Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek declared his discovery of microorganisms to the Royal Society in London.
The Dutch expedition captained by Admiral Van Warwyck first sighted Mauritius.
King Charles VI of France suddenly declared that no Jew may live under his rule, following complaints from Christians in France.