Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
David Attenborough gained one million followers on Instagram within 4 hours and 45 minutes of his first post.
Designer Michael Kors purchased the luxury fashion brand Versace for $2.1 billion.
China finished building the world's largest radio telescope at 1,640 feet (500 meters) long.
Selena Gomez achieved a world record for being the first person to reach 100 million followers on Instagram.
Los Angeles Judge approved Caitlyn Jenner to change her name from Bruce and her gender to female.
Schools shut down in Singapore due to air pollution from farming practices in Indonesia.
China launches Shenzhou spacecraft with 3 astronauts.
NASA launched the Mars Observer, a space probe designed to study Mars' geology and climate.
Belize became a member of the United Nations.
Runners run the first Chicago Marathon.
The Mozambican War of Independence against Portugal began.
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is officially created.
Paul Galvin and his brother Joseph founded Motorola as the 'Galvin Manufacturing Co.' in Chicago, Illinois.
Henry Ford changed employees' working schedules to 8-hour days, 5 days a week.
Sequoia National Park was established in the Sierra Nevada region of California, USA, by the National park service.
The US congress proposed the addition of twelve changes to the US Constitution.
The first printing press was set up in New England, US.
The Battle of Stamford Bridge occurred between the English army and a Norwegian force.