The first telephone directory was issued, which consisted of a single card with 50 names and addresses in Connecticut, USA.
Thomas Edison received a patent for his new invention, the phonograph.
The Boston Bicycle Club was formed, becoming the first cycling club in the United States.
Segregation of races on public transport became illegal as ruled by US Supreme Court.
Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D Major premiered in Vienna.
Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph to the editors of 'Scientific American.'
Thomas Edison demonstrated his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time.
Black Beauty is published.
Asaph Hall discovered Mars' second moon, called Phobos.
One of Mars' moons, 'Deimos,' was discovered by an American astronomer, Asaph Hall.
Thomas Edison completed his first model of a phonograph.
The first-ever Wimbledon Championship began.
The first telephone was installed in the telegraph room in the White House, thanks to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
The first Westminster dog show took place.
A 14-year-old girl performed the world's first human cannonball in London, England.
Earmuffs were patented.
Tchaikovsky's ballet 'Swan Lake' is premiered.
German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann found The Mask of Agamemnon at the Greek site of Mycenae.
The Indian Appropriations Act added the sell or starve clause.
Colorado became the 38th state to join the United States of America.
Jesse James and the famous James-Younger Gang robbed the Missouri Pacific Railroad near Otterville, Missouri, US.
Americans were introduced to bananas.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky composed his 'Swan Lake' ballet.
Seven Irish prisoners broke out of the Western Australian Colony's Fremantle Prison and fled to the US.
Nelly Saunders and Rose Harland fought in America's first public women's boxing match.
The first-ever telephone call was made.
A field in Bath County, Kentucky, was showered by a steady rain of mystery meat. This became known as the Kentucky meat shower.
Julius Wolff supplied the first canned sardines from Maine, USA.
Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for the telephone.
The English explorer Verney Cameron became the first European to cross Africa from east to west.
General Postal Union Created.
Henry S. Parmalee patented the fire sprinkler system.
The Philadelphia Zoo opened. At the time, it was the only zoo in the 'New World.'
The first recorded dam disaster happened in the US.
Jesse James's gang robbed up to $22,000 on a train at Gads Hill, Missouri, US.
The Albert Bridge opened in London, England.
Andrew Hallidie introduced the cable car to San Francisco after witnessing a horse and carriage accident.
Priam's Treasure was discovered.
Leo Delibes' opera 'Le Roi l'a Dit' premiered in Paris at the Opéra-Comique.
Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patented the first blue jeans with copper rivets.
The Spanish National Assembly officially abolished slavery in Puerto Rico.
Inventor John Hyatt registered cellulose nitrate (celluloid) as a trademark.
Phileas Fogg wins his wager.
The world's first international soccer match took place.
Suffragette Susan B. Anthony was arrested in New York State for illegally voting in the presidential race.
Oscar II becomes King of Norway and Sweden.
Inventor Phillip W Pratt obtained the patent for his sprinkler system designed to extinguish fires.
The Ballot Act was passed in Great Britain.
Arbor Day was celebrated for the first time in America in Nebraska.
Thomas J Martin patented the fire extinguisher.