John Willis Menard of Louisiana Became the First African American to Address the U.S. House of Representatives.
The first volume of 'Little Women' by Louisa May Alcott was published in the US.
French astronomer Pierre Janssen first recorded evidence of helium, a then-unknown element.
The Arica earthquake occurred in Peru and Ecuador.
The United States ratified the 14th Amendment to allow former slaves citizenship in the US.
Florida, one of the confederate states, was readmitted to the Union.
The Reno Gang robbed its fourth train.
The US Senate failed to impeach President Andrew Johnson by one vote.
The University of California was founded.
The world's favorite paper joiner, the stapler was patented by C. H. Gould in England.
Andrew Johnson became the first US President to be impeached.
Charles Dickens gave his first public reading.
J.B. Sutherland from Detroit patented refrigerated railroad cars.
The Manchester Martyrs of the IRA were hung in front of 10,000 people at Salford Gaol, Manchester, UK.
The first issue of women's fashion magazine Harper's Bazaar was published.
The US bought Alaska from the Russian Empire.
Barbed wire was patented by Lucien B Smith in Ohio, US.
Great Britain claimed The Straits Settlements as crown colonies: Singapore, Penang, and Malacca.
The United States bought Alaska from the Russian Empire.
Nebraska became the 37th state to join the United States of America.
The first yacht race across the Atlantic Ocean began.
French inventor Pierre Lallement was awarded his patent for a pedal bicycle.
President Andrew Johnson declared that the American civil war was over.
The world's first roller skating rink opened in Rhode Island.
Tennessee became the first Confederate state to be readmitted into the United States.
The Battle of Custoza took place during the Third Italian War of Independence.
The US Congress approved the 5 cent nickel.
Jesse James performed his first daylight armed robbery in the US.
American religious leader Mary Baker Eddy was allegedly cured of her spinal injury by reading The Bible.
Wesley College was established in Melbourne, Australia.
James H Mason patented the first US coffee percolator.
Several Confederate veterans formed the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee.
Slavery abolished in America with adoption of 13th amendment.
Adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Shaw University, the first historically Black university in the southern United States, was founded.
Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' novel was published in the US.
The United States issued gold certificates to battle counterfeit notes.
The first-ever western shootdown happened in Market Square, Springfield, Missouri, US.
Alpinists reached the summit of Matterhorn for the first time.
The United States Secret Service was formed.
Alice in Wonderland is published for the first time.
The Salvation Army was founded in London by Methodist preacher William Booth and his wife, Catherine Booth.
President Andrew Johnson reorganized the Confederate States.
American boarding house owner Mary Surratt was arrested for taking part in President Lincoln's assassination.
President Abraham Lincoln died.
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee ended his campaign at The Battle of Appomattox Court House.
The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Crimean War.
The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is passed.
The Clifton Suspension Bridge was finally opened.