Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Meghan Markle became the first-ever guest editor for UK Vogue.
The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) called for an end to 36 years of bloody conflict with the UK.
Mary J. Blige's album 'What's the 411?' was released by Uptown Records and MCA Records.
The Soviet Union launched its second reconnaissance satellite, Kosmos 4.
Gangster-drama movie 'On the Waterfront' hit US theaters.
Walt Disney's 'Alice in Wonderland' was released in New York City, US.
US bomber plane crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, and Lou Oliver survived a 75-story drop in an elevator.
Furniture retailer IKEA opened its first store in Sweden.
Idaho's hottest day was recorded at a scorching 118°F (48°C).
The American horror movie 'White Zombie' was released at New York City's Rivoli Theater.
IX Summer Olympics open.
333 US marines invaded Haiti, beginning a 19-year occupation.
The United States ratified the 14th Amendment to allow former slaves citizenship in the US.
Peru declares independence.
English poet Henry James Pye became Poet Laureate in the United Kingdom.
The siege of Damascus was abandoned.