Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Americans headed to the polls to vote for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the US Presidential Election.
The One World Trade Center opened on the original World Trade Center site.
George W. Bush secured his second term as President of the United States.
George H. W. Bush was elected as the 41st President of the United States of America.
The Caribbean island nation of Dominica gained its independence from the United Kingdom.
Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated the flow of oil from the UK's first-ever oil pipeline.
NASA launched the last space probe in the Mariner Program, Mariner 10.
The Soviet Union sent a dog into space aboard the spacecraft Sputnik II.
Godzilla released.
Louis Chevrolet incorporated the Chevrolet Motor Car Company.
The International Radiotelegraph Conference in Berlin selected 'SOS' (· · · – – – · · ·) as the global standard for radio distress calls.
Martha Hughes Cannon of Utah became the first elected female State Senator in the United States.
John Willis Menard of Louisiana Became the First African American to Address the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Times of India was founded, making it the largest English-language newspaper in the world.
Political activist and French playwright Olympe de Gouges was guillotined.
The parliament of England passed the first Act of Supremacy, granting the monarch complete control of the Church of England.
Explorer Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage, found Dominica and the Kalinago people.
Emperor Constantius II was baptized on his deathbed hours before passing.