Facts & Historical Events On This Day.
Forty-two people were buried alive in a landslide in Bafoussam, Cameroon.
The World Health Organization ranked Tuberculosis as deadly as HIV in its list of the world's most deadly diseases.
Argentina elects its first female president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
Subway fire kills 289 in Azerbaijan.
Lee Jang Rim, the founder of the Dami Mission Christian Movement in South Korea, declared that the world would end.
The Statue of Liberty celebrated its 100th birthday.
Prospero became the first British satellite to have been launched successfully by a British rocket.
The Cuban Missile Crisis Ended.
Writer Ernest Miller Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Germany expels Polish Jews.
The Volstead Act is Passed, Marking the Beginning of Prohibition.
Czechoslovakia gains independence as Austria-Hungary breaks up.
Fingerprinting was first officially used in the US in a St. Louis police department.
Macy's Department Store first opened.
Prince Regent George Augustus Frederick purchased the first copy of Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility."
English literature classic Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift was published.
The Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino was founded in the Dominican Republic.
Explorer Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba.
Maxentius became a Roman emperor, until his death exactly six years later.