Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is jailed for life.
Air Inter Flight 148 crashed in the Vosges Mountains in France while circling to land at Strasbourg Airport.
The civil war in El Salvador ends.
Croatia and Slovenia are internationally recognized as independent nations.
Japanese prime minister treated president George H. W. Bush to dinner, and Bush threw up on the host.
A Palestinian couple was convicted of first-degree murder for the honor killing on their daughter.
Kazakhstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union.
Romanian Constitution comes into force.
Ukraine elected its first President since the nation gained its independence from the Soviet Union.
Muslim Shi'ites release last US hostage Terry Anderson (held 6½ years).
STS 44 Atlantis 10 was launched into space.
Indonesian soldiers shot and killed over 200 people in a funerary march and pro-independence protest at the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili, East Timor.
Dubrovnik was attacked from the land, the sea and the air by the Yugoslav National Army (JNA).
A military coup put an end to the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti's first democratically-elected President.
The republic of Macedonia Declares its Independence From Yugoslavia.
The United States announced its recognition of Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania's independence as individual countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Azerbaijan officially declared its independence from the Soviet Union.
Michael Schumacher Makes His Formula One Debut.
Belarus declared its independence from the Soviet Union.
Ukraine separated from the Soviet Union, marking this day as Ukraine’s Independence Day.
Latvia gains full independence from the Soviet Union.
Estonia claimed its independence from USSR.
Race riots break out in the Crown Heights area of New York city.
North Carolina, US, was hit by hurricane Bob.
The Warsaw Radio Mast in Poland malfunctioned and collapsed.
Greek-owned cruise ship 'Oceanos' sank off the coast of South Africa due to uncontrollable flooding.
US and USSR sign Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer admitted to murdering 17 people.
Brioni Declaration is signed.
The Warsaw Pact, a defense treaty between 8 communist countries, is formally disbanded in Prague.
A 5.6 magnitude earthquake dubbed the 'Sierra Madre Earthquake' occurred in South California and caused around $40 million in damages.
Yugoslav troops invade Slovenia.
The German parliament moves to Berlin.
Drug lord Pablo Escobar handed himself into the police.
The second-largest volcano eruption of the 20th Century happened in the Philippines.
Boris Yeltsin becomes Russia's first President.
NASA's STS-40 became the first spaceflight with three women to be launched into space.
Former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, is assassinated.
Northern Somalia declared its independence, becoming the unrecognized de facto Republic of Somaliland.
The Republic of Georgia declared its independence from the Soviet Union.
A referendum in the Republic of Georgia took place to vote on the country's independence.
4 South American countries establish Mercosur.
The 'Birmingham Six' are released.
Los Angeles police brutally beat an unarmed Rodney King with batons up to 60 times.
The first Gulf War ends.
The world's first web browser is presented to the public.
The Warsaw Pact is declared disbanded.
President H. W. Bush gave Iraq the ultimatum that they had 24 hours to get their forces out of Kuwait or face war.
Two 'smart bombs' kill at least 408 civilians in Baghdad.
The Gulf War in Iraq begins.