William Shakespeare was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
King Charles IX of France became an adult on his 13th birthday.
Naples, Italy, banned kissing in public.
Queen Elizabeth I claimed the throne after her half-sister, Queen Mary I, died November 17, 1558.
Mary Queen of Scots married Francis Dauphin of France.
French forces attacked Calais and took it back from English rule.
The most deadly earthquake in history was recorded in China in Shaanxi's province.
Mary I replaces Lady Jane Grey as Queen of England.
Lady Jane Grey began her 9-day reign as the Queen of England, France, and Ireland.
The first university in the New World, the National University of San Marcos, was founded in Lima, Peru.
William Cecil inaugurated himself as English minister of foreign affairs.
Edward Seymour, the first Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector of England, had his title stripped from him.
Edward VI was crowned King of England after Henry VIII died.
At just 16 years old, Ivan IV the Terrible crowned himself the first Tsar (emperor) of Russia.
The Bolivian city of Potosà was founded after vast deposits of silver were discovered in the mountains nearby.
The Holy Emperor Charles V and King Henry VIII of England became allies against France.
Princess Mary Stuart succeeded her father James V and became Queen Mary I of Scotland at just six days old.
Portuguese explorer Juan RodrÃguez Cabrillo discovers Catalina Island off the coast of California.
Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez discovered San Diego Bay and claimed it for Spain.
The Battle of Wofla between the Turkish and Portuguese occurred.
After over four years in the making, Michelangelo unveiled 'The Last Judgment' painting at the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City.
The Destruction of Santiago occurred when the Spanish conquistadors and the Mapuche-Picunche tribes had a confrontation.
French explorer Jacques Cartier arrived in the city of Quebec during his third voyage to Canada.
Santiago, Chile, was founded by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia.
King Henry VIII married his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, after his previous wife died during childbirth.
The Treaty of Frankfurt was signed between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Protestants.
Pope Paul III excommunicated King Henry VIII of England.
The Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino was founded in the Dominican Republic.
Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII of England's second wife, was beheaded in the Tower of London.
French-Breton explorer Jacques Cartier discovered 'Mount Royal,' now known as Montreal, Canada.
Catholic Saint Sir Thomas More was executed for treason by King Henry VIII.
Twelve Anabaptists paraded through Amsterdam completely naked.
King Henry VIII became the head of the Church of England.
Spanish conquistadors founded the city of Quito.
The parliament of England passed the first Act of Supremacy, granting the monarch complete control of the Church of England.
French-Breton explorer Jacques Cartier arrived in Canada and planted a cross into the ground to claim the land for France.
French explorer Jacques Cartier discovered Prince Edward Island, off the coast of Canada.
The King of England, Henry VIII, appointed Thomas Cromwell as the Chief Secretary.
Pope Clement VII excommunicated King Henry VIII of England for his terrible behavior.
Anne Boleyn was crowned the Queen of England at Westminster Abbey.
Henry VIII declared his marriage to Catherine of Aragon officially null and void, despite Pope Clement VII's refusal to allow it.
Spanish conquistadors captured Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor.
Juan Diego saw the Virgin of Guadalupe, an apparition of the Virgin Mary, for the first time in Tepeyac, Mexico City.
Thirty thousand lives were lost after a major earthquake shook Lisbon.
King Henry VIII was forbidden to remarry in a letter sent to him by Pope Clement VII.
Pope Clement V performed his first Coronation, making Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor.
Francisco Pizarro became the Governor of Castile, which is a historic area of modern-day Peru.
Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Saragossa.
England and France declared war on Austria's Emperor, Charles V.
The Sack of Rome occurred.