Oil tanker 'Exxon Valdez' runs aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
A Boeing 747 jumbo jet rips open over the Pacific Ocean.
The Soviet Union announced that all of its troops had officially withdrawn from Afghanistan.
Union Carbide finally agrees to pay 470 million USD in damages for the Bophal disaster.
Five Pharaoh sculptures were discovered in the temple of Luxor.
The Round Table Talks start in Poland.
Paraguay's dictator, Alfredo Stroessner, is overthrown.
The US embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, closed due to increasing security concerns.
Akihito succeeded his father to become the 125th Emperor of Japan.
George H. W. Bush declared himself President of the United States of America.
Two robbers who wore police uniforms robbed an armored truck of $3 million in New Jersey.
Antonov An-255 Mriya, the largest airplane in the world, flew for the first time.
Rain Man, directed by Barry Levinson, starring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise, premiered in New York.
A 6.9 earthquake in Spitak, Armenia, killed 25,000-50,000 people and left up to 500,000 homeless.
Benazir Bhutto takes office as Pakistan's Prime Minister, becoming the first woman PM of Pakistan.
Estonians declare sovereignty from USSR.
State of Palestine created.
The Soviet Union's uncrewed Buran space shuttle completed its first and only space flight.
George H. W. Bush was elected as the 41st President of the United States of America.
The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil was ratified.
Israel launched its first satellite, Ofek-1, from the Palmachim Air Base.
An extreme category 5 hurricane called Gilbert hit Jamaica, with the eye of the storm being 15 miles wide.
Yellowstone National Park closed for the first time in US history due to ongoing fires.
Abdul Mohmand becomes the first person from Afghanistan to Visit Space.
Australia began selling its first platinum coin, featuring a Koala.
The Iran-Iraq war ended in a stalemate after nearly eight years of conflict.
8888 Uprising in Myanmar Begins.
Donald Trump became Mike Tyson's advisor.
The Island Express train derailed on the Peruman Bridge in India.
Haitian coup d'état started, and President Henri Namphy overthrew President Leslie Manigat.
Kanellos Kanellopoulos flies across the Aegean Sea in a human-powered aircraft.
The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
Thousands of people join the first peaceful demonstrations against the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.
In Northern Ireland, an Ulster loyalist kills 3 people at a Provisional IRA funeral.
A poison gas attack kills 5000 civilians in the Kurdish town of Halabjah.
Svend Robinson became the first Canadian MP to come out of the closet publicly.
The Nagorno-Karabakh War is triggered by der Autonomous Oblast's secession from Azerbaijan.
The Comic Relief charity created 'Red Nose Day' in the United Kingdom, and raised £15 million ($19 million).
Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, who was serving a life sentence for the attempted assassination of President Gerald Ford, escaped from Alderson Prison.
First Intifada begins.
US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed a treaty eliminating medium-range nuclear missiles.
Thomas Sankara, the President of Burkina Faso, was killed during a coup led by Blaise Compaoré.
Around 200,000 people marched through Washington, D.C. streets to fight for gay and lesbian civil rights.
Ren Zhengfei founded Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. in China.
Lynne Cox set a new record by swimming 2.7 miles (4.3 km) from Alaska to Siberia in a swimsuit.
The United Nations declared Matej Gaspar as the five billionth person in the world.
The musical ''Dreamgirls" was performed for the first time at the Ambassador Theatre, New York City.
Iraqi warplanes bombed the town of Sardasht in Iran with a chemical attack.
An ETA car bomb kills 21 in Barcelona.
The US Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law that required schools to teach creationism.