The Communist Party of China was founded with Chen Duxiu as the leader.
The British Legion was formed to take care of veterans by giving financial, social, and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces.
The Communist Party of Romania was founded.
West Virginia became the first state to impose a sales tax.
Albert Einstein visited New York City and lectured on his Theory of Relativity for the first time.
The Iraqi Army was formed.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) ambushed British soldiers near Kilmichael in County Cork.
"Bloody Sunday" begins with the assassination of 14 undercover British intelligence agents by an IRA squad organised by Michael Collins.
Benito Mussolini and Leandro Arpinati led squads of fighters in the melee between Fascists and Socialists in Bologna, Italy.
The Model M Postage Meter was put into commercial use.
The General Assembly of the League of Nations meets in Geneva for the first time.
The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) was founded in Sydney by a group inspired by the Russian Revolution.
Times Square Theater opened with a capacity of 1,032.
The Wall Street bombing took place in Manhattan, New York City.
The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was certified, giving women the right to vote.
The State of Tennessee Passes the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Moscow Peace Treaty is signed.
US Post Office banned customers from mailing children and animals.
The Democratic Republic of Georgia's independence was recognized by the Soviet Union.
The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was founded.
The Ottoman Empire was abolished.
The first German Expressionist film is premiered.
Adolf Hitler founded The Nazi Party in Munich, Germany.
Spain founded the Spanish Legion; an army unit made up of foreign soldiers.
The first council meeting of the League of Nations was held in Paris.
League of Nations instituted.
The Treaty of Versailles takes effect.
Lady Nancy Astor was sworn in, making her the first female member of British Parliament.
Lady Nancy Astor became the first woman to become a member of the British House of Commons.
The Volstead Act is Passed, Marking the Beginning of Prohibition.
World's first transcontinental air race.
The Netherlands' flag carrier airline was founded under the name KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
The first daily passenger air service began, going from London to Paris.
Afghanistan Gains Independence From the United Kingdom.
Alcock and Brown take off for the first non-stop transatlantic flight.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sets off the Turkish War of Independence.
Albert Cushing Read takes off on the first transatlantic flight in history.
Leslie Irvin makes the world's first free-fall parachute jump.
British troops massacre around 400 unarmed civilians in India.
Benito Mussolini led a fascist political rally in Milan, Italy.
The League of Nations is founded.
The Paris Peace Conference began in France.
Alcohol became illegal in most states of America.
Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919 begins.
The Kingdom of Iceland was first established.
The people of Latvia gathered together to proclaim the Republic of Latvia as an independent nation.
Poland became an independent country.
After nearly four and a half years of cataclysmic conflict, World War I ended.
The Spanish Flu was reported to have killed 21,000 people in the US in the week ending on this date.
Czechoslovakia gains independence as Austria-Hungary breaks up.