During his second voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus spotted Jamaica and landed at Discovery Bay.
The first Native American uprising against Spanish rule occurred in the La Navidad colony.
Christopher Columbus discovered Puerto Rico on his second voyage.
Christopher Columbus discovered Sint Maarten in the West Indies.
Explorer Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage, found Dominica and the Kalinago people.
Explorer Christopher Columbus set sail on his second voyage with a larger fleet of 17 ships.
Pope Alexander VI divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.
Explorer Christopher Columbus wrote a letter about his travels to the New World.
Christopher Columbus left the New World to sail to Spain.
Christopher Columbus sighted manatees for the first time ever.
The Santa Maria sunk.
Christopher Columbus wrote about tobacco use by the natives of New England.
The Ensisheim Meteorite – the oldest meteorite with an observed fall – struck the Earth in France.
Explorer Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba.
Christopher Columbus claimed he first saw land at present-day Bahamas.
Christopher Columbus set sail on his first voyage from Palos de la Frontera, Spain.
Martin Behaim presents the world's first globe.
Explorer Christopher Columbus was given funding for his first journey.
The Treaty of Granada was signed, marking the end of the Grenada War, which started in 1482.
King Richard III died at the Battle of Bosworth, the ultimate battle in the Wars of the Roses.
The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican opened for its first mass.
Richard III was crowned King of England.
This day marked the end of Edward V of England's reign.
King Edward V of England died.
The Treaty of Picquigny was signed between France and England, agreeing on a seven-year truce and free trade between the two kingdoms.
Stephen III of Moldavia defeated the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vaslui.
The War of the Roses ended with King Henry VI surrendering to King Edward IV in London.
As part of the War of the Roses in England, the Battle of Edgcote took place.
The University of Greifswald was founded in Germany. It was the second university in continental Northern Europe.
The first printing of the Gutenberg Bible was completed.
The Teutonic Knights defeated the Polish army in the Battle of Chojnice.
The armies of Sultan Mehmed II arrived at Constantinople's outer walls and prepared to lay siege to the city.
The Battle of Formigny came to an end as France defeated the last English forces.
The South Korean alphabet, called 'Hangul,' was published.
The Prussian Confederation was formed.
From this day until February 10, 1435, London's Thames river completely froze.
The trial against Joan of Arc begins.
Joan of Arc was captured by the Burgundian Faction at the siege of Compiègne.
After a second siege, Joan of Arc liberated the town of Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier, France.
After laying siege to Orléans for nearly seven months, England's forces finally gave up and simply marched away.
The Valais Witch Trials started in Switzerland, making it the first witch hunt of its kind, which became much more widespread over the next few decades.
King Henry V of England died aged 35 in Château de Vincennes, France.
St. Elizabeth's flood began in the evening when a seawall at the Zuiderzee dike in the Netherlands broke.
The Battle of Agincourt between the English and the French took place.
King Charles VI of France granted a monopoly for the ripening of Roquefort cheese to the village of Roquefort-Sur-Soulzon.
The Battle of Grunwald began.
Chinese mariner and explorer Zheng He set sail with his fleet to explore the world for the first time.
The Battle of Ankara commenced when Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur invaded Anatolia.
Owain Glyndŵr was declared Prince of Wales by his followers.
Parliament officially nominated Henry IV as Richard II's successor and proclaimed him king of England.