Earth's average temperature climbed to more than 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels for the first time in 2024.
Parts of Central and Eastern Europe were catastrophically flooded as they were struck by Storm Boris.
The European Union's climate service declared that 2023 was the hottest year on record.
A Virgin Airlines plane became the first to fly using 100% sustainable jet fuel.
Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida.
The UN released a report warning that 14% of Earth's species face a very high risk of extinction.
Hunga Tonga, a volcano in Tonga, erupted, which triggered tsunami warnings from the US and Chile to Japan and Australia.
UNESCO recommended that Australia's Great Barrier Reef be listed as World Heritage Site 'in danger.'
Thousands of pigeons went missing after a freak weather incident.
Coca-Cola was named the world's largest plastic polluter by the charity 'Break Free From Plastic.'
$10 billion was pledged to help fight climate change by Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos.
Australia recorded its hottest day ever with an average temperature of 105°F across the country.
The longest ever United Nations climate talk ended.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg was named Time magazine's Person of the Year.
North American migratory birds getting smaller, their wings wider due to climate change according to study by University of Michigan published in journal 'Ecology Letters'.
Oxford Dictionaries declared 'climate emergency' as the word of the year for 2019.
The Brazilian Space Agency announced that the country's Amazon rainforest had suffered its biggest spike in deforestation in over a decade.
Climate Control reported that rising sea levels would 'erase' many coastal cities by as early as 2050.
Forty-two people were buried alive in a landslide in Bafoussam, Cameroon.
A super-massive iceberg broke away from Antarctica.
The climate change rally led by activist Greta Thunberg saw millions of protesters worldwide standing up for urgent action.
During the Senate climate crisis task force, climate change activity Greta Thunberg said, 'You're not trying hard enough. Sorry.'
Leonardo DiCaprio's environmental fund donated $5 million in the battle against Amazon rainforest fires that were devastating the area.
A funeral was held in Iceland for the loss of the Okjökull glacier.
A rainfall survey named 'It is raining plastic' announced that tiny plastic particles were found in 90% of rain samples in Colorado, US.
World Resources Institute reported that a quarter of the world's population is running out of water.
The UK had its hottest day on record.
Due to climate change, a deadly heatwave landed in North-East America.
The UN reported that one million plant and animal species were at risk of extinction.
Climate change activist Greta Thunberg gave a speech in London, leading to protests across the city for four days.
Dutch ecologists reported that wolves were living in the Netherlands again for the first time in 140 years.
Researchers discovered that as many as 600 million birds die in the US every year after flying into skyscrapers.
The European Union Parliament declared single-use plastics were to be banned by 2021.
1.4 million students across 125 nations participated in the School Strike for Climate.
The World Economic Forum announced that there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by as early as 2050.
In the Global Carbon Project, it was reported that CO2 emissions reached an all-time high (up 2.7%) driven by coal use in China and the consumption of oil.
Palau's archipelago became the first country in the world to ban the use of sunscreen containing harmful chemicals that destroy reefs.
The World Wildlife Fund blamed humanity's rapidly expanding consumerism for decreasing 60% of the world's wildlife between 1970 & 2014.
The EU declared that single-use plastics would be banned by 2021.
An intergovernmental panel on Climate Change reported that the planet will heat up by 2.7°F by 2040, which will wreak havoc on our world.
New South Wales, Australia, announced they were 100 percent in drought.
A deadly 106°F heatwave in Japan killed at least 65 people, and more than 22,000 were hospitalized.
Forest fires spread across large areas of Sweden.
A newly discovered water beetle was named after Leonardo DiCaprio.
It was announced that citrus fruit originated in the Himalayas millions of years ago.
The Sahara desert was blanketed in snow.
Nineteen countries vowed to gradually phase out coal at the United Nations Summit in Bonn, Germany.
All schools and colleges in Delhi, India, were closed for a week due to dangerous levels of smog.
The Lancet published a study that found pollution contributes to 1 in 6 deaths worldwide.
Large pieces of plastic polystyrene were found in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.