Asian record where temperatures plummeted to -90° F in Oymyakon, Russia.
A record 112 foot (34 meters) sea wave was recorded during a storm in the Pacific Ocean.
Hawaii recorded its hottest day ever at 100°F.
Pluto was officially named.
Colonel Harland Sanders founded KFC in North Corbin, Kentucky.
Frozen food is sold in retail stores for the first time.
American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto.
The world celebrated the introduction of sliced bread for the first time.
Robert Goddard launched his second liquid-fueled rocket.
The world's first liquid-fueled rocket was launched.
The theory of Wave Mechanics by physicist Erwin Schrödinger was first taught in lectures.
The first Sears retail store opened in Chicago.
Astronomer Edwin Hubble formally announced the existence of other galactic systems at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
The New York Times published Edwin Hubble's discovery that the Andromeda 'nebula' is actually a galaxy.
Mars had a 'close encounter' with Earth at 34.8 million miles apart.
The first successful administration of insulin to treat diabetes was given to 14-year-old Leonard Thompson.
National Hospital Day was first observed.
The first of four fatal shark attacks happened on New Jersey shores.
Albert Einstein presents his general theory of relativity.
Medical researcher Oswald Hope Robertson performed the first-ever blood transfusion using stored and refrigerated blood.
The Safety Hood, which would later become the gas mask, was patented by Garrett Morgan.
Kellogg's Foods was founded in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.
Albert Einstein submits a paper outlining his theory of special relativity.
Nikola Tesla tried to explain how the phenomenon of ball lightning works.
Pepsi Cola became an official trademark.
The iconic Niagara Falls waterfall ran out of water during a drought.
The first case of the bubonic plague was announced in Honolulu.
Felix Hoffmann patented one of the world's most common drugs, Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
Marie and Pierre Curie announced their discovery of radium.
Caleb Bradham's beverage 'Brad's Drink' was renamed 'Pepsi-Cola.'
Carl Gustav Witt discovered the first near-Earth asteroid, 433 Eros.
American Astronomer William Henry Pickering discovered Phoebe, one of Saturn's moons.
Dr. John Kellogg served the world's first cornflakes.
Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity.
German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered x-rays.
The world's favorite soda, Coca-Cola, was sold in glass bottles in Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA.
Milton S. Hershey founded Hershey's Chocolate Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US.
American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard discovered Jupiter's fifth moon.
The Sierra Club was formed.
Asteroid 323 Brucia became the first asteroid discovered using photography.
The world's largest snowflake measuring 15 inches wide by 8 inches thick, was discovered in a snowstorm at Fort Keogh, Montana.
John B. Meyenberg from St. Louis, Missouri, patented powdered milk.
Canada's last-ever sighting of the Eastern Cougar was found in Ontario.
Dr. Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which is bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB).
P.T. Barnum purchased the world-famous circus elephant Jumbo.
Hurricane Five struck Florida and caused 700 fatalities.
Asaph Hall discovered Mars' second moon, called Phobos.
One of Mars' moons, 'Deimos,' was discovered by an American astronomer, Asaph Hall.
The first Westminster dog show took place.
Earmuffs were patented.