The French parliament passed a law that fully separated all activities of the church and the state.
Photographer Alfred Stieglitz opened The Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession in Manhattan, New York.
Russian Tsar issues the October Manifesto.
The Russo-Japanese war ended with the official signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth.
The Battle of Tsushima occurred, in which a Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian East Sea fleet.
Las Vegas was officially founded.
Albert Einstein completed his doctoral thesis at the University of Zurich and was awarded a Ph.D.
The Kangra earthquake in India killed over 20,000 people.
After being unearthed in South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond became the world's largest.
Russian soldiers attack unarmed demonstrators on this day that would later be known as 'Bloody Sunday.'
The original stage production of Peter Pan took place in London, England.
American businessman King Camp Gillette was granted his patent for the safety razor.
Fingerprinting was first officially used in the US in a St. Louis police department.
New York City subway opens.
Snow Chains Patented.
Battle of Ulsan begins.
Construction on the world's longest railway in Russia was completed.
The International Federation of Association Football was founded in Paris.
The United States takes over the construction of the Panama Canal.
The Australian Labor Party led the world's first Labor Government.
France and the United Kingdom sign the Entente cordiale.
The first international rugby league took place in Wigan, England.
The Williamsburg suspension bridge opened.
The first sustained motorized aircraft flight took place.
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty signed between Panama and the US.
Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters founded the Women’s Social and Political Union.
New Zealand's All Blacks played their first international test against Australia at Sydney Cricket Ground.
Maurice-François Garin won the first Tour de France.
Benito Mussolini was arrested in Switzerland for a violent strike. He spent two weeks in jail and was deported to Italy.
Pepsi Cola became an official trademark.
The iconic Niagara Falls waterfall ran out of water during a drought.
The United States of America leased Guantanamo Bay from Cuba, with the lease lasting an indefinite period.
Massachusetts's Marconi Wireless Station Site successfully sent the first radio transmission between the US and Europe.
The famous elephant called Topsy was executed at Luna Park, Coney Island, in New York.
The classic children's book 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter was published in London, England.
Theodore Roosevelt became the first US President to appear in an automobile publicly.
One hundred and forty thousand miners went on strike in Pennsylvania.
Marie and Pierre Curie isolate radium in Paris, France.
J.C. Penney's opened their first store in Kemmerer, Wyoming.
Texaco was formed.
On her 63rd birthday, American school teacher Annie Taylor was the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
President Theodore Roosevelt changed the name of the 'Executive Mansion' to 'The White House.'
Theodore Roosevelt became the US president after former president William McKinley died from gunshot wounds.
Pablo Picasso had his first exhibition in Paris, France.
New York state became the first to require license plates on automobiles.
J.P. Morgan incorporated the US Steel Corporation.
Winston Churchill gave his first speech in the British House of Commons.
Queen Victoria's funeral took place at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, England.
After the death of Queen Victoria, Britain moved their postage stamps to the King Edward VII series.
The USS Holland (SS-1) became the first modern submarine commissioned for the United States Navy.