23 Things You Shouldn’t Do In Life

Don’t find reasons to be unhappy. It doesn’t pay to be sad. It pays to be joyous.

Don't ignore your body and health.

Don't underestimate the power of people. Network.

Don't watch romantic movies. At least not with your partner.

Don't wonder about the "purpose of life". It is a depressing ditch.

Don't force someone to be in your life. Let them go, if they want to.

Don't believe your superiors when they say they are "open to criticism".

Don’t abandon someone suddenly after giving them attention. It kills them.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Just like everyone else, you don’t matter.


Never drink bad alcohol. Never drink in bad company. Never drink in bad mood.

Don't say "no" very often. There is a lot for you to gain beyond every “yes”.

Never debate with religious people. You will never win, and they will stop being nice to you.

Don't take things personally. Even if you know it's personal, don't take it personally. Then you win.

Don't believe in miraculous success stories. Success stories are often over romanticized and overdramatized for bagging claps.

Don't compare yourself with anyone. You and the rest are so different, that when you realize it, a comparison won’t even be possible.

Don't be overly altruistic. Helping someone who does not need your help doesn’t do any good. Be good, be kind, but be slightly selfish.

Don't take your dental hygiene lightly. You have 32 teeth, ask a dentist and you'll realize each one can cost you more than their weight in gold.

Don't be rude to your parents. Or siblings. When everyone else will run for cover, its your family that will stand with you as you drench in your storm.

Don't be self-righteous. Living with too many scruples sucks. Chances are, your views will change with your age. Live on axiomatic principles and have a flexible belief system.

Don't miss out on important engagements - Birthdays, weddings, your child's first performance, your dad's retirement party, reunions - its these events that make the fondest memories.

Don't let anyone make you feel badly about yourself. Always know you good things and your flaws. Accept them. Correct them. Or don’t correct them. But don’t let anyone else capitalize on them.

Don't make big goals. Make micro goals and make a system to achieve them continuously. Continuous stream of small achievements can fill you up with confidence and add a lot of value to your daily life.

Never send a mail without proofreading. Read it at least once before sending. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling mistakes.
Remember, autocorrect is like your friend who never misses a chance to embarrass you.

Don't waste your time by stalking your ex on social media. If they want to talk to you, they will. If they don’t, they won’t, even in a hundred years. And don't update your social media display pics too often.
The identity that you project on social media is always more romantic than your real life. Those hundreds of likes on your display pic may give you a boosted sense of self importance and may feed your need for attention.

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