The Wright Brothers were granted a patent for their 'flying machine' after applying for it three years earlier.
British driver Arthur MacDonald was the first to break 100 miles per hour in an automobile at Daytona Beach, Florida, US.
The first sustained flight of over five minutes was achieved and traveled three miles in the process.
New York City subway opens.
Wilbur Wright Makes the First Circular Flight.
Snow Chains Patented.
The Eden train wreck happened when a trail derailed from Denver, Colorado, to St Louis, Missouri.
Construction on the world's longest railway in Russia was completed.
A steam locomotive called City of Truro became the first steam engine to go over 100 miles per hour.
The first sustained motorized aircraft flight took place.
Mary Anderson patents windshield wiper.
Henry Ford and 12 investors incorporated the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Michigan.
The White Star Liner SS Ionic was launched at the Queen's Island in Belfast.
New York state became the first to require license plates on automobiles.
Paris Metro opens.
The Zeppelin Takes Off for the First Time.
The Rapid Transit Railroad broke ground on a new underground subway to link Manhattan and Brooklyn.
The SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse becomes the first ship to send wireless signals to shore.
Henry Bliss became the first person killed in an automobile accident in the United States.
German inventor Ferdinand von Zeppelin granted a patent for the navigable balloon.
Opel builds its first automobile.
William B. Purvis patented the electric switch on railways that would shut off the electric supply after carriages pass the contact device.
The Chicago Times-Herald sponsored the United States' first-ever car race, with the winning car going an average of 7 miles per hour.
George B. Selden was granted the patent for a gasoline internal combustion engine car.
Karl Benz patented the gasoline-operated motor car.
A gasoline-powered car was tested in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the first time in the US.
The Melbourne cable tramway system opened the Victoria Bridge line in Melbourne, Australia.
Mechanical engineer Karl Benz drove his first automobile in Mannheim, Germany.
German engineer Carl Benz patents the first modern automobile.
German engineer Gottlieb Daimler unveiled the world's first motorcycle, referred to as the Daimler Reitwagen.
Inventor Gottlieb Daimler filed for a patent for a two-wheel 'riding car,' or in other words, 'motorcycle.'
Gottlieb Daimler patents his engine design.
Canadian and American railroads adopt time zones.
The Orient Express started its first journey from Paris to Istanbul.
The first Orient Express leaves Paris.
Oldsmobile is founded by Ransom Eli Olds of Olds Motor Works.
George Selden filed for the first patent for a gasoline-driven automobile.
Jesse James and the famous James-Younger Gang robbed the Missouri Pacific Railroad near Otterville, Missouri, US.
Andrew Hallidie introduced the cable car to San Francisco after witnessing a horse and carriage accident.
The Transcontinental Railroad linking up the East and West halves of the US was completed in Colorado.
The Tower Subway in London became the first underground tube railway to open.
The Golden Spike was driven.
The first traffic lights were installed in London.
Charing Cross Railway Station opened in London, England.
London Underground was opened, making it the world’s oldest underground railway system.
The first railway line in Pakistan opened, with trains running from Karachi to Kotri.
London launched its first tram, built by George Francis Train from NYC.
Abraham Lincoln received a patent for a device that would lift a boat over shoals and obstructions.
The first wagon train arrived in California after having left Independence, Missouri, in May 1841.
Ephraim Morris patented the car brake for railroads.