Willie Mosconi sets the world record for running most consecutive pool balls without a miss.
American boxer Jersey Joe Walcott became the oldest heavyweight champion aged 37.
The Big Cat, aka Earl Lloyd, became the first African-American to play in the NBA.
The first Formula One World Championship season kicks off.
Adi Dassler founded Adidas with a vision to improve athletic performance.
King George VI officially opened the 11th modern-day Olympic Games at the Wembley Arena in London, UK.
Babe Ruth Day was commemorated for the first time to celebrate one of baseball's greatest players of all time.
Jackie Robinson signed the first Major League Baseball contract for a Black ballplayer.
The first arcade game is patented.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is founded.
A circus performer patented the modern trampoline.
The NBC broadcasted the first live American football game.
Finnish long-distance runner Taisto Mäki broke the 10,000-meter world record in 29:52:06.
The first televised baseball game was broadcasted on NBC, featuring Princeton defeating Colombia 2-1.
Bradman scored his 1000th cricket run of the English season, becoming the earliest to do so.
Lou Thesz beat Everett Marshall in St Louis, making him the youngest to win the National Wrestling Association World heavyweight title.
NBC assembled the first symphony utilized exclusively for radio.
Jack Fingleton, an Australian cricketer, became the first batsman to score 100 runs in four consecutive test matches.
The XI Summer Olympics are opened in Berlin by Adolf Hitler.
New York Yankee, Joe DiMaggio, made his major-league debut.
Parker Brothers released the Monopoly board game.
With a record time of 2:52:29, Armas Toivonen was the first European to win gold for a marathon at the European Athletics Championships.
The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as Games of the X Olympiad, were held in Los Angeles, United States.
The Winter Olympics opened in Lake Placid, New York.
Host nation Uruguay defeated Argentina 4-2 in Montevideo to win the first FIFA World Cup.
Legendary baseballer Babe Ruth became the first member of the 500 home run club.
IX Summer Olympics open.
Violet Stewart Piercy, a long-distance runner from England, set the first recorded marathon win for women at 3:40:22.
First Woman to Swim Across the English Channel.
Paavo Nurmi ran a world record time of 3000 meters in 8 minutes and 25 seconds.
Inventor Fred Waller patented the aquaplane, which would become water skis.
Ty Cobb, a future Baseball Hall of Fame center fielder, was the first to gain 1,000 extra-base hits.
20 mushers embark on a journey to transport medicine to Nome, Alaska, inspiring the Iditarod Race.
The first Winter Olympics medal was awarded to American Skater Charles Jewtraw after skating 5,000 meters in just 44 seconds.
The world's first Winter Olympics took place in Chamonix, France.
The first-ever Le Mans endurance race began.
Robert L. Douglas, the Father of Black Professional Basketball, set up the first pro-black basketball team called Renaissance.
The world's first international women's sporting event began in Monaco.
The first game of the Negro National League was played at Washington Park in Indianapolis.
World's first transcontinental air race.
The New York Giants beat the Philadelphia Phillies in the fastest-ever MLB game in history.
Leslie Irvin makes the world's first free-fall parachute jump.
The ban on Sunday baseball was lifted in Washington, D.C., making it the 3rd city to do so.
Baseball and war hero Hank Gowdy became the first player to enlist in the US Army during World War II.
American baseball catcher Wilbert Robinson tried to claim a record by catching a ball dropped from a plane 525 feet above him.
Legendary baseballer Babe Ruth made his Major League Baseball debut for the Boston Red Sox.
The first crossword puzzle was printed.
Adolphe Célestin Pégoud became Europe's first man to use a parachute.
In just 57 seconds, illusionist Harry Houdini successfully unchained himself while underwater.
The fifth Summer Olympics are officially opened in Stockholm.